librarian::stock() and librarian::shelf() will not install GitHub packages unless update_all = TRUE.
Notes for maintainer
Problem 1: It looks like stock() is passing the value of the package vector (TRUE) instead of the names (emptyRpackage). It's correctly accessed in the vector that's passed to the warning message, but not in the vector that's passed to the installer.
update_all = TRUE short-circuits this by passing the original package vector (a character vector) without modification, whereas update_all = FALSE checks if each package is installed and returns a named logical vector, which is what you're seeing.
Extra unit tests are needed after fixing this.
> librarian::stock(DesiQuintans/emptyRpackage, lib = tempdir(), quiet = TRUE)
## These packages will be installed:
## 'TRUE'
## It may take some time.
## Warning message:
## In librarian::stock(DesiQuintans/emptyRpackage, lib = tempdir(), :
## These packages failed to install:
## 'emptyRpackage'
## Check the spelling and capitalisation of the names.
## Are they Bioconductor packages? If so, please install Bioconductor
## (BiocManager and BiocBase).
## Are they from GitHub? If so, please supply both the GitHub
## username and package name, e.g. DesiQuintans/librarian
System info
What problem do you get?
will not install GitHub packages unlessupdate_all = TRUE
.Notes for maintainer
Problem 1: It looks like
is passing the value of the package vector (TRUE) instead of the names (emptyRpackage). It's correctly accessed in the vector that's passed to the warning message, but not in the vector that's passed to the installer.update_all = TRUE
short-circuits this by passing the original package vector (a character vector) without modification, whereasupdate_all = FALSE
checks if each package is installed and returns a named logical vector, which is what you're seeing.Extra unit tests are needed after fixing this.