DessimozLab / read2tree

a tool for inferring species tree from sequencing reads
MIT License
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--standalone_path error when using docker #9

Closed ailtonpcf closed 2 years ago

ailtonpcf commented 2 years ago

I was having the following error:

usage: read2tree [-h] [--version] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] --standalone_path STANDALONE_PATH [--reads READS [READS ...]] [--read_type READ_TYPE] [--threads THREADS] [--split_reads] [--split_len SPLIT_LEN] [--split_overlap SPLIT_OVERLAP] [--split_min_read_len SPLIT_MIN_READ_LEN] [--sample_reads] [--genome_len GENOME_LEN] [--coverage COVERAGE] [--min_cons_coverage MIN_CONS_COVERAGE] [--dna_reference DNA_REFERENCE] [--sc_threshold SC_THRESHOLD] [--ngmlr_parameters NGMLR_PARAMETERS] [--check_mate_pairing] [--debug] [--sequence_selection_mode SEQUENCE_SELECTION_MODE] [-s SPECIES_NAME] [--tree] [--merge_all_mappings] [-r] [--min_species MIN_SPECIES] [--single_mapping SINGLE_MAPPING] [--ref_folder REF_FOLDER] [--remove_species_mapping REMOVE_SPECIES_MAPPING] [--remove_species_ogs REMOVE_SPECIES_OGS] [--keep_all_ogs] [--ignore_species IGNORE_SPECIES] read2tree: error: the following arguments are required: --standalone_path

Commenting the last two lines of the dockerfile and building the image again solved my problem:

`ENTRYPOINT ["read2tree"]

CMD ["-h"] `

alpae commented 2 years ago

Hi @ailtonpcf

I guess you tried to run the docker including the read2tree command, which is not necessary. you should simply call it with the command line arguments after the image name, see