Dev-Davis / Doggie-Day-Care

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Setup #2

Open Dev-Davis opened 5 years ago

Dev-Davis commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a developer, I will install and complete the React setup


AFTER initial setup THEN I will see a HELP ME button in red AND a blank background AND I'll create additional folder I may need.


Dev-Davis commented 5 years ago

Building a project To kick things off we will use npx to build our app. Npx is like Npm but it calls a script that a developer has built. In this case the facebook developer have built out scripts that install all the required packages, setup webpack, and build out a basic application.

npx create-react-app intro-react If the above command didn't work for you, you need to update npm. Find an instructor to help you with that.

Github Now that we have our beginning files in place we need to create a github repo and push things up in a very particular order. Create-react-app has already done a git init, built a, and done and add and commit for us. We just need to link our local repo to a github repo and push.

Create a github repo - DO NOT initialize with a readme. git remote add origin <ADD SSH STUFF HERE> git push -u origin master git checkout -b setup You should now have all the create-react-app stuff pushed up to github and be on a setup branch. Now we will modify the file structure to fit our needs.

Organizing files (our changes) Create App Folder Right now there are a bunch of files called app.SOMETHING that are just hanging out in the root of the src folder. Thats kinda annoying so let's move those into a App folder. Also move the logo file into that folder. Next check the index.js file and make sure the path is correct to the App module. Your file structure should now look like this:

initial file structure

Remove testing For the scope of this class we won't be using jest to do any testing - we just will not have time to. To make sure our project looks clean let's go ahead and removing the App.test.js file. You can also delete the test script in your package.json file. If at some point you decide you want to try testing you can easily come back and add this stuff in.

Make a global styles folder We will need somewhere to hold our _variables.scss and other global styling files.

Make a folder inside source called styles. Move index.css into the styles folder and rename it index.scss Correct the import statement in index.js so it is: import './styles/index.scss'; Create a _variables.scss file in the styles folder and use it to create a variable that can be used to change the background color in index.scss

Allow create-react-app to use scss instead of css On your command line run: npm install node-sass --save-dev

Your scss styling should now work.

Add eslint Instal VS Code plugin - eslint Create the .eslintrc file at the root of your project like usual and add the following:

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 6,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "extends": ["airbnb-base", "react-app"],
  "globals": {
    "document": true,
    "window": true,
    "allowTemplateLiterals": true
  "rules": {
    "no-console": [1, { "allow": ["error"] }],
    "no-debugger": 1,
    "class-methods-use-this": 0,
    "linebreak-style": 0 

Install airbnb styles npm install eslint-config-airbnb-base --save-dev Your project should now be running, eslinting. There is one major difference between how we use eslint now and how we did before. Now it serves as a tool - it will NOT fail your build if you have errors. With the VS Code plugin you should see files with errors in red. Do yourself a favor - fix the errors before you move on. It will make your code cleaner and probably catch errors like misspelled words etc.

Add bootstrap To use bootstrap with react we will use something called reactstrap. This is an npm package that someone has made to create react components out of the bootstrap components. We need both packages because they don't include the bootstrap css in reactstrap.

Install both components npm install bootstrap --save

Add a button to app.js and import the bootrap css file At top of file: import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

Inside render: <button className='btn btn-danger'>HELP ME</button>

Bootstrap is now ready to go!

Add firebase install firebase with npm (nothing new here) npm install firebase --save