“Devalopers” is a business-oriented web application for all developer and technology workers used to find jobs and projects. This repository represents the Web part (Web-Interface) JavaScript
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Company> Post a Job> Location should be mandatory #32
Log in as a company with the below credentials:
Email: company1@devalopers.com
Password: Company@123
Go to (+ Post a job) green button upright the page >
Location has a red star * to show it's a mandatory field, but actually a job can be posted normally without selecting any location
What it should be:
Location should be mandatory
Upon pressing "create job" while the location isn't filled, it should show an error symbolized by a red border for the location field with a word "Required" below it as attached below:
Description: Location of the Job posted should be mandatory upon posting a job
What it should be: Location should be mandatory Upon pressing "create job" while the location isn't filled, it should show an error symbolized by a red border for the location field with a word "Required" below it as attached below: