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Knowledge Articles #39

Open DevCEDTeam opened 1 year ago

DevCEDTeam commented 1 year ago

Cron Jobs | Periodic Builds | Scheduled Deployments | Data Backup | Periodic Tests

The purpose of scheduling recurring tasks or automating cron jobs is to automate repetitive tasks and ensure their execution at specific intervals or times. Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems that allows you to schedule commands or scripts to run automatically at predefined intervals.

In the context of CI/CD pipelines and auto-deployment, cron jobs can be used to automate various tasks involved in the deployment process. Here's how they can be utilized:

  1. Periodic Builds: You can schedule cron jobs to trigger periodic builds of your application. For example, you may want to build and test your application every night to ensure it remains in a working state.

  2. Scheduled Deployments: If you have specific deployment schedules, cron jobs can be used to automate the deployment process at the desired times. This is particularly useful when you want to avoid manual intervention and ensure deployments occur consistently and reliably.

  3. Data Backup and Maintenance: Cron jobs can be set up to perform regular backups of your data or to perform routine maintenance tasks such as database cleanup or log rotation. This helps ensure data integrity and keeps your systems running smoothly.

  4. Periodic Tests and Monitoring: You can schedule cron jobs to run periodic tests and monitoring scripts to check the health and performance of your deployed application. This allows you to proactively identify and address issues before they cause significant problems.

By automating these tasks with cron jobs, you reduce the need for manual intervention and improve the efficiency and reliability of your deployment process. It helps streamline the development workflow, reduces human error, and allows developers to focus on other critical tasks.

It's worth noting that while cron jobs are commonly used for task scheduling in Unix-like systems, other platforms and CI/CD tools may provide their own mechanisms for task scheduling and automation. The specific implementation may vary depending on the tools and technologies you are using.

DevCEDTeam commented 11 months ago

Mautic | Cron Job | Documents

Mautic Tutorial: Mautic Cron Job Setup | Youtube

Mautic Schedule

Cron Jobs | Document

How to change ownership | cPanel

DevCEDTeam commented 8 months ago

Command line to track ownership: find /home/mautic/public_html ! -user mautic -ls

WHM Terminal commands:

chown -v mautic:mautic /home/mautic/public_html/
chown -v mautic:mautic /home/mautic/public_html/
chown -v mautic:mautic /home/mautic/public_html/
chown -v mautic:mautic /home/mautic/public_html/
chown -v mautic:mautic  /home/mautic/public_html 
DevCEDTeam commented 8 months ago

WHM sniff tool:

ssh -p 22 root@
nmap -p 22,2083,2087 --reason

WHM diagnostic tool:

[root@team ~]# /scripts/restartsrv_sshd --status
[root@team ~]# perl <(curl -s --sshcheck
[root@team ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl <(curl -s https://ss
``` --sshcheck