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Slack #15

Open sani-d opened 5 months ago

sani-d commented 5 months ago

def issueKey = issue.key def jiraResult = get("/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}") .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .asObject(Map)

if (jiraResult.status == 200){ def jiraFields = jiraResult.body.fields def webhookUrl = ''

def msg = [
    text: "The following issue has been transitioned to Confirmed${issueKey}"

    .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

} else { println "Failed to find issue: Status: ${jiraResult.status} ${jiraResult.body}" }

project = "FSB" and (updated < startOfDay(-2d) or (updated < startOfWeek() and updated < startOfDay(-4d))) AND status = "Code Review" and "Team Name[Select List (multiple choices)]" = FS-Perlite