0 B A 0X01
3 * 1 * 0X08 * 0X02
2 C 0X04
I used the PCB developed in Robocup Korea Association and rebuilded by myself.
-> 4 motor drivers (working below 5a condition)
->3 motor ports above the PCB, 1 below PCB.
-> One port for sonlenoid. (working below 10a condition)
-> 4 Arduino infrared emitor-receiver set andultrasonic sensors above PCB
-> Arduino Atmega 2560 board for the main cpu
-> Including the ports for extra arduino boards and pixy camera.
->2*16 Arduino LCD
-> GY-273/HMC5883L compass sensor
->upgraded to BNO055 imu in 2021
-> Pixy 1, Pixy 2.1 camera.
-> Four 980 rpm 12kg torque Chihai motors form Aliexpress
-> Applied adjustable resistance for dribbler to prevent compass errors form the magetic field
->512kb sram
-> Fuse
-> 12v Lithium-Polymer battery from Hobbyking [ Turnigy ]
-> CB1037 10ohm resistance solenoid from Takaha kiko,LTD over 10N
-> CB1037 38ohm resistance solenoid from Takaha kiko,LTD under10N
-> Some lego bricks for drribling device
Overwiew of the location for sensors and motors.