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Cannot figure out how to join the WebDX community group #208

Closed SachaG closed 10 months ago

SachaG commented 10 months ago

(Posting this here even though it's not really related to the surveys)

I want to join this group, so I click the "join or leave this group" button:

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 8 56 06

I need a WordPress account but my credentials are not working, so I click "list your W3C username or password":

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 8 56 15

Oh it seems I'm not in WP anymore, weird. Anyway I'll reset my password:

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 8 59 27

Great now I'm logged in! Let's go back to the first screen.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 8 57 53

Oh, password is still not working. Let's try one more time just to make sure.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 8 56 15

Huh. What do I do now…?

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 9 00 03
foolip commented 10 months ago

@dontcallmedom @tidoust can either of you help or direct this to the right person?

tidoust commented 10 months ago

Is the 503 error still current?

As said through email, the "Powered by Wordpress" banner may be confusing but there is no such thing as a "Wordpress account". There's only one "W3C account", and you need to log with your W3C account credentials. Logging into W3C's main web site is not enough, you need to authenticate on the Community Group web site too (sessions are not shared between the two).

SachaG commented 10 months ago

No 503 error this time, but the login/password combination that I use to log in to the "regular" W3C website still doesn't work for the WordPress log-in dialog.

SachaG commented 10 months ago

Oh, I finally figured it out! I was entering my email instead of my username in the WP log-in dialog…