Dhar / image-dreamer

"Dreams" images, such as shown in the Google Research blog post on "Inceptionism".
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"Dreams" images, such as shown in the Google Research blog post on "Inceptionism".

What's it do?

Using a deep neural network, it turns images like this:

Into this:

Read the Google Research blog post on "Inceptionism" to learn more about how it works.




Thanks to the great work of Google's deepdream team!

The Vagrant file and Vagrantbox are based on those provided by Data Science Toolbox. Big thanks to them for providing the scientific Python bootstrap I needed to get this going!


Have fun, hack, contribute! This is just a starting point, I'd love to see where people take this!

If you make changes, please consider issuing a pull request. I'm happy to oblige.

Thanks to @borzoj and @dirtyvader for their contributions!