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Feature/opends 0.4.0 #201

Closed samleeflang closed 1 month ago

samleeflang commented 1 month ago

PR with the new version of openDS based on the feedback we got during the Public Review.

Please focus on the schemas, the examples haven't all been validated yet as the schema's I need the schemas online for that.

wouteraddink commented 1 month ago

one more thing: with ISO 639-2 it would be better to use the terminological codes, so ISO 639-2/T and not ISO 639-2/B (bibliographic) variant in cases where there is a variant, which is mainly there for legacy bibliographic catalog purposes. So the code for Dutch should be "nld" not "dut" for example. The first one is ISO 639-2/T and the second one is ISO 639-2/B.

samleeflang commented 1 month ago

one more thing: with ISO 639-2 it would be better to use the terminological codes, so ISO 639-2/T and not ISO 639-2/B (bibliographic) variant in cases where there is a variant, which is mainly there for legacy bibliographic catalog purposes. So the code for Dutch should be "nld" not "dut" for example. The first one is ISO 639-2/T and the second one is ISO 639-2/B.

I tried to keep in line with Audoban Core with this, which just accepts any ISO 639-2 standard and points to a controlled vocab which puts Dutch -> dut. We could deviate, but I am unsure if we can then still use ac:metadataLanguage and ac:metadataLanguageLiteral. We could also scrap the metadataLanguages as we already has a discussion about it usefullness. We would then keep only dcterms:language which we could limit to ISO 639-2/T.