DickinsonCollege / FD2School-FarmData2

FD2School-FarmData2 repo for COMP290 in Fall 2024
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Seeding Input Log Submit Button Enabled When Data Panel Date Field is Empty #38

Open braughtg opened 1 week ago

braughtg commented 1 week ago

The Seeding Input Log "Submit" Button remains enabled even when the date field in the Data panel is blank.

The details of the issue are illustrated below: (Submit button is enabled when the date field in the data panel is empty) image

Steps to resolve the issue: Within the seedingInput.html, the formNotCompetedFunction() Boolean computed function determines whether the submit button is enabled. This function checks whether certain fields are populated by checking their values against null, however the selectedDate value in not checked. This is probably because upon pageload, the selectedDate is set to dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD').toString() specified by the Data Vue property:

                sessionToken: null,
                selectedDate: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD').toString(),
                selectedCrop: null,
                selectedArea: null,

This was done to prompt the user with the correct date format, but it leaves the date populated.

The issue can be resolved by checking if the selectedDate can be converted from a Unix timestamp into a date using the day.js library. This seems like an unnecessary step, but is required as you can individually set Month, Day, or Year in the date selector as demonstrated below: image

issue will be resolved when:

Original issue by RolandLocke Sunday Apr 30, 2023 at 22:28 GMT