DieReicheErethons / Brewery

GNU General Public License v3.0
161 stars 182 forks source link

Can't add items to cauldron #207

Closed Cjk1231 closed 5 years ago

Cjk1231 commented 5 years ago

I really like this pluggin and I was trying to add new recipes. I could not even get the items to go into the cauldron and I don't know how. I am very new to programming.

Cjk1231 commented 5 years ago

config for Brewery.jar

-- Settings --

Defaults are written in []

Deleting of single settings disables them

Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages)

language: en

If the player wakes up at /home when logging in after excessive drinking (/home plugin must be installed!) [true]

enableHome: true

Type of the home-teleport: ['cmd: home']

bed = Player will be teleported to his spawn bed

'cmd: home' = /home will be executed by the player. He has to have permissions for it without any delay!

'cmd: spawn' = /spawn will be executed by the player.

'cmd: whatever' = /whatever will be executed by the player.

homeType: 'cmd: home'

If the player "wakes up" at a random place when offline for some time while drinking (the places have to be defined with '/brew Wakeup add' through an admin)

The Player wakes at the nearest of two random places of his world [true]

enableWake: true

If the Player may have to try multiple times when logging in while extremely drunk [true]

enableLoginDisallow: true

If the Player faints shortly (gets kicked from the server) if he drinks the max amount of alcohol possible [false]

enableKickOnOverdrink: false

If the Player vomits on high drunkeness (drops item defined below) [true]

The item can not be collected and stays on the ground until it despawns.

enablePuke: true

Item that is dropped multiple times uncollectable when puking [Soul_Sand]

pukeItem: Soul_Sand

Time in seconds until the pukeitems despawn, (mc default is 300 = 5 min) [60]

If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well.

pukeDespawntime: 60

Consumable Item/strength. Decreases the alcohol level by when consumed. (list)


Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7]

hangoverDays: 7

Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true]

colorInBarrels: true colorInBrewer: true

If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true]

openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true

How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]

maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6

Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]

If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game

updateCheck: true

Autosave interval in minutes [3]

autosave: 3

Config Version

version: '1.8'

-- Recipes for Potions --

name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)

ingredients: List of 'material/amount'

With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe

(Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)

A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html

cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil

distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling)

distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec

wood: Wood of the barrel 0=any 1=Birch 2=Oak 3=Jungle 4=Spruce 5=Acacia 6=Dark Oak

The Minecraft barrel is made of oak

age: Time in Minecraft-days, the potion has to age in a barrel 0=no aging

color: Color of the potion after distilling/aging.


Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)

difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard)

alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting)

effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek.

Possible Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html

Level or Duration ranges may be specified with a "-", ex. 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = lvl 1 and 30 sec at worst and lvl 2 and 40 sec at best

Ranges also work high-low, ex. 'POISON/3-1/20-5' for weaker effects at good quality.

Highest possible Duration: 1638 sec. Instant Effects dont need any duration specified.


Example Recipe with every possible entry first:

0: name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example ingredients:

12: name: Stale Pumpkin Wheat Beer/Pumpkin Wheat Beer/Stellar Pumpkin Wheat Beer ingredients:

More Recipes ideas: Cachaca, Gin, Whiskey, Tequila, Cider, etc. as well as high quality abbreviations like golden vodka etc.

I will not add more Recipes to the default config, as they would be public and viewable by users to cheat.

It is up to the Serveradmin to change and add Recipes, so players cannot cheat from the default config.

cooked: EVERY possible ingredient and the names for the originating potions after fermenting:

[Example] MATERIAL: Name after cooking

cooked: Wheat: Fermented wheat Sugar_Cane: Sugar brew Apple: Apple cider Potato: Potatomash Grass: Boiled herbs Red_Mushroom: Mushroom brew Cocoa_Beans: Colored brew Milk_Bucket: Milky water QUARTZ: Shiny Water PUMPKIN: Pumpkin Brew MAGMA_BLOCK: Melted Brew NETHER_WART_BLOCK: Awkward Brew BLAZE_ROD: Blaze Brew

-- Plugin Compatibility --

Enable checking of other Plugins (if installed) for Barrel Permissions [true]

useWorldGuard: true useLWC: true useGriefPrevention: true

Enable the Logging of Barrel Inventories to LogBlock [true]

useLogBlock: true

-- Chat Distortion Settings --

If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,

so that it looks like drunk writing

How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is

Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur

enableChatDistortion: true

Log to the Serverlog what the player actually wrote, before his words were altered [false]

logRealChat: false

Text after specified commands will be distorted when drunk (list) [- /gl]


Distort the Text written on a Sign while drunk [false]

distortSignText: false

Enclose a Chat text with these Letters to bypass Chat Distortion (Use "," as Separator) (list) [- '[,]']

Chat Example: Hello i am drunk I am testing Brewery


words: Words and letters that will be altered when chatting while being drunk.

Will be processed from first to last and a written sentece is altered in that order.

replace: Word or letter to be replaced. (Special: "-space": replaces space, "-random": insert into random position, "-all": everything, "-start": At Beginning, "-end": At the End.)

to: What to replace it with.

pre: Words and Letters before the wanted word (split with ",")

match: true = one of the "pre"-Words has to be before the wanted Word, false = none of the "pre" Words is allowed before the wanted Word

alcohol: 1-100 minimum drunkeness after which this word ist replaced

percentage: Probability of replacing a Word in percent


TheOnly8Z commented 5 years ago

type in the command "/brew reload" and check for errors. It is likely that you have syntax errors in the config file that makes the plugin not load at all. The most common error is using tabs instead of spaces, or having an incorrect amount of spaces (look at the example and follow what it does).

Additionally, you can use the code bracket feature (type ` around your code) to disable formatting and make the text more readable in the future.

Sn0wStorm commented 5 years ago

Also, to make sure you're using the right ingredient names, use /brew itemname on the item. If you still have a problem, you can reopen this issue.