DiegoEmilio01 / IIC3413

Repositorio del curso Implementación de Sistemas de Bases de Datos
16 stars 2 forks source link


Project Build

Install Dependencies:

MillenniumDB needs the following dependencies:

On current Debian and Ubuntu based distributions they can be installed by running:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git g++ cmake

For Mac you only need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools.

Clone the repository

Clone this repository, enter the repository root directory and set IIC3413DB_HOME:

git clone git@github.com:DiegoEmilio01/IIC3413.git
cd IIC3413
export IIC3413DB_HOME=$(pwd)

Build the Project:

Go back into the repository root directory and configure and build:

For the Release version:

cmake -Bbuild/Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build/Release/

For the Debug Version:

cmake -Bbuild/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug && cmake --build build/Debug/

To use multiple cores during compilation (much faster) add -j n at the end of the previous commands, replacing n with the desired number of threads. Example with 8 threads:

cmake -Bbuild/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug && cmake --build build/Debug/ -j 8

Lab testing:

To create an example database:


that will create the database folder data/test_example.

Then you can query the database with execute_query, passing as first parameter an existing database, and as a second parameter the path to a file with the query:

./build/Debug/bin/execute_query data/test_example data/example_queries/1.sql