DigitalLibrarian / VS2010Projects

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Voxelize Organism Simulation #21

Open DigitalLibrarian opened 8 years ago

DigitalLibrarian commented 8 years ago

The aquarium genetic simulation has an interesting organism and genome model.

Voxelize it!

The pre-voxel renderer uses a bunch of transformed quads that really limit the population count. There could be special LOD rules for organisms for early outs on bones and internals. We could add bones, and show the nervous system. Maybe even show the nerves firing in time.

With voxel physics, we could show how locomotion is affected when an animal loses a limb, or has one damaged.

DigitalLibrarian commented 8 years ago

First stage should involve simply mapping an organism to a bone tree and being able to render it in voxels. Each body part can be rendered as a transformed chunk. These transforms are already being calculated as the body parts are based transformed unit cubes.

Later this might be extended with animations to these transforms. There are articles about making that really work well in other tickets.

Might experiment with creating a file format with precalculated transforms as poses. The model can then be put into these poses.