DigitalMitford / DM_Journal_1819-1823

repository for development work with Mary Russell Mitford's Journal of 1819-1823
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Journal "Back list" Tidying #14

Open ebeshero opened 1 year ago

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

During our Zoom session with @lmwilson, we discovered that most of the Journal "back list" proposed Site Index entries are incorporated in one of the staged si-local files to be added on the DM_SiteIndex repo. So here is an important task to help us get rid of old entries:

Look for it in this si-local.xml file:

If you find the entry, read it and compare to what you see in the Journal. If it is the same or better, remove the entry in the Journal backlist.

If the si-local's entry is NOT the same or less detailed, missing something, leave the entry in the back list.

If you notice obvious typos or correction on the si-local.xml, check out a branch of the DM_SiteIndex repo, and make correction and issue a Pull Request, assigning to @lmwilson and @ebeshero to review.

For any questions that come up, comment here on this Issue.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@SavannahRicks Here is a sample updated back list entry that we are "remodeling" so that it provides a) the info it's missing from si-local, and b) more data about the specific journal entry it's referencing. Let's preserve the <!--update existing--> comments.

  <bibl xml:id="Remarks_Italy">    <!-- srr: Different desc here than in local Index -->
                  <!--update existing-->
                  <title level="m">Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, During an Excursion in Italy, in the Years 1802 and 1803.</title>
                  <author ref="#Forsyth_Jos">Joseph Forsyth</author>
                  <date when="1816">1816</date>
                     <placeName ref="#London_city">London</placeName>
                  <publisher>J. Murray</publisher>
                  <note resp="#lmw">Mitford records she was <quote>charmed with
                     it</quote> in <ref target="#e-40">her journal entry of <date when="1819-02-15">Monday 15 February 1819</date></ref>.</note>
SavannahRicks commented 1 year ago

I have completed de-duping the back list of any repeating ID's and have come across some discrepancies:




UPDATE by @SavannahRicks 5/8/23: I went over all of these back entries again and solved some of them, but I need more context in order to do the rest.

SavannahRicks commented 1 year ago

While going back to reference Mitford's ratings on books she's read in the back entries work_MRM I have found a few discrepancies. This comment will update as I continue working on this task.


ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@SavannahRicks We took care of the second issue today when we met. For the first one, you should go ahead and correct the back desc for Women_CM.