DirtDiglett / Pressure-for-Steam

A skin to improve the visual aesthetics of Steam
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[Beta] Add phonereminderbar #415

Closed Js41637 closed 9 years ago

Js41637 commented 9 years ago

Adds the phone reminder bar. This seems to overwrite the email reminder bar so i'm not sure if valve thought this through.


Js41637 commented 9 years ago

Should also be noted that at the moment this reminder bar will re-appear every time Steam Restarts (unless you add a phone number I hope) so I dunno if adding it or making it that annoying is a good idea.

EDIT: It will still remain if a phone number has been added, gg Valve.

Js41637 commented 9 years ago

Actually it might just be a bug. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamClientBeta/discussions/0/523897653293503969/

iraturus commented 9 years ago

I tried it adding a phone number and the reminder bar is still appearing after restarting steam. So Valve didn't really think that through it seems.

Js41637 commented 9 years ago

Typical Valve, I guess it is safe to assume then that the reminder is only meant to be shown once and not on every restart.

Js41637 commented 9 years ago

Apparently Valve fixed the message box showing up on every startup.

Wiggin38 commented 9 years ago

It's back again for me for whatever reason. Fixed it, had to load the stock one press "no" then skins works again.

bykidi commented 9 years ago
