DobyTang / LazyLibrarian

This project isn't finished yet. Goal is to create a SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones-like application for ebooks. Headphones is used as a base, so there are still a lot of references to it.
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Enhancements #1612

Closed Code-Slave closed 5 years ago

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

In opds server can links to authors and maybe series be added? If you browse calibre opds server and click on a book to get details it has links to author, series etc. I think it would be useful. (im trying to move away from calibre mostly for day to day).

I still use calibre mostly for conversions and emailing to kindles with epub/mobi. What do you think about adding a export to calibre dropdown when on the authors books page. this would trigger the selected method of export (calibre direct or send to calibre import directory) or is there a decent conversion tool that can be incorporated? Im also wonder how ll would handle having say mobi and epub in same dir?

philborman commented 5 years ago

OPDS link to author should be fairly easy now we can do multiple links per book, link to series is a bit more complicated as there could be several series per book. I will have a look.

We could probably do email-to-kindle from inside lazylibrarian with a bit of work, as far as I know you just send an email with the mobi or azw3 as an attachment, but I don't have a kindle to try with. Does the kindle app work the same way, do you know?

For conversion we use the calibre ebook-convert program as it's not worth writing another equivalent one. Kindle also has it's own converter program but that's only convert-to-mobi, not the other way around. The example preprocessor script calls that calibre convert do the conversion on a new download before processing if required.

LazyLibrarian is fine with multiple formats of the same book in the same dir, we link to the "left most" format in the ebook types list in config by default. If you click "Open" to download a book and you have user accounts enabled we link to the users preferred format if one is set, If not we show a popup asking which format you want to open.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Yes just sending an email works. As it adds the mobi or azw to library. If mobi doesnt exist then run the convert if setup? I have a kindle and the apps so i can test each

I guess i need to change my docker to tharaxis? Linuxio doesnt have it.

Im about to move my calibre library pre ll over to ll. I do send books to kids etc kindle so having this inside would have me off calibre completely

philborman commented 5 years ago

Yes, Thraxis docker includes all the calibre components. We need to add a "kindle email" field to the users table and a "send to kindle" option to the downloader, not too much work.

I prefer converting everything up-front rather than converting when the download is requested, takes too long, browsers often timeout. If you don't want to do it that way maybe don't offer the "send to kindle" option if there isn't already a mobi? Or we could include a script to retro build all the missing epub or mobi versions. Another user created a neat script using calibre ebook-convert.

Actually rather than making it kindle specific we could just have a" email me" field. For kindle set "email me" to the right address and "preferred type" to mobi. Means another user with epub software could still have epub emailed to them?

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Yes a more generic send to email or device with preferred type.

Conversion. If we front load it the it should likely be an option to do conversion as prt of the adding process. Or on a scheduled timer? I know my ll library is a mix as i grab whatever format is available.

Magazines: i think email is fine here too it just sends the pdf. Most readers i know of have no issue with pdf i think.

philborman commented 5 years ago

The example preprocessor script makes sure each ebook download contains epub and mobi and creates the missing ones. If you put it in the "preprocessor" box in lazylibrarian config it will run every time an ebook download completes but before the postprocessor runs to import the book into the library.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

awesome ill swich dockers and give it a try

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Is there a good debug setting for mags? i redid docker and lost all my mags and when i library scan it says zero mags. (they are in dirs), just need better debug info for that scan

philborman commented 5 years ago

Regular debug should be enough. Just need to check mag directory and whether it's inside ebook dir or not

philborman commented 5 years ago

I have added the "Send To" option to user table, but it's untested. If you want to try it with a Kindle just configure your user profile with a SendTo email and a preferred type of mobi

If the book you want isn't available as mobi you should get a popup telling you. Also some pdf magazines are too large to email as an attachment. Most email providers limit you to 20mb. We just warn and send an email saying the attachment was too large, not sure if that's the best way? With audiobooks you get the same problem, but each chapter is probably small enough to work if you send one at a time

philborman commented 5 years ago

Don't seem to be able to get author links appearing anywhere in aldiko or moon+ Any chance you can post the xml from a page that works so I can see where I am going wrong

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Yes give me a sec

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

This is the calibre listing for the book. when i hit opds in moon+ and i click on the book gives all this info. I cant replicate the exact functionality in a browser


    <title>Mysterious Things in the Woods; Mysterious Disappearances, Missing People; Sometimes Found...Unexplained Disappearances.: Creepy Mysteries of the Unexplained</title>
      <name>Steph Young</name>
    <content type="xhtml">
      <div xmlns="">RATING: ★★★<br/>
TAGS: new<br/>
From Kindle: Yes<br/>
<p>As featured on National Radio Shows; 'Something in the woods is taking People'; Something unknown that we cannot define; Something that others have had the misfortune to encounter. People snatched soundlessly, never to be seen again. Or returned; dead. A strange and highly unusual predator. Highly intelligent. Very successful. And able to overpower someone in an instant.... This is a puzzle. An often deadly one.  </p>
<p>'Mysterious Things in the Woods;' features unusual disappearances, Missing people, Strange encounters, Mysterious deaths, hikers found inexplicably mutilated; hunters found dead in weird circumstances; campers disappearing, their bodies never found...other bodies found as though left out on display...these are just some of the most baffling unexplained mysteries in the woods...and all are true stories...Don't go in the Woods....You might not come back.....  </p>
<p>Stephen (Steph) Young has appeared on national radio shows &amp; podcasts including 'Coast to Coast AM', 'The Unexplained,' 'Where did the road go?', 'Midnight in the Desert,' 'Darkness Radio'  </p>
<p>An independent Researcher addicted to researching all Paranormal, Supernatural, Esoteric &amp; Enigmatic mysteries. Each book Young writes seems to lead to further questions and searches for answers as the mysteries inevitably deepen &amp; develop into ever more complex riddles in the spectrum of the Unknown.   </p>
<p>Steph now has her own podcast "Masquerade" on itunes.  </p>
<p>Creepy Mysteries of the Unexplained.  </p>
    <link href="/get/epub/2389/lib_books" rel="" type="application/epub+zip" length="181967" mtime="2018-10-15T19:21:34.078709+00:00"/>
    <link href="/get/mobi/2389/lib_books" rel="" type="application/x-mobipocket-ebook" length="340521" mtime="2018-10-15T19:21:26.291642+00:00"/>
    <link href="/get/cover/2389/lib_books" rel="" type="image/jpeg"/>
    <link href="/get/thumb/2389/lib_books" rel="" type="image/jpeg"/>
philborman commented 5 years ago

The only links there are epub, mobi, cover, thumb No link to author as far as I can see. The author name is defined, but that's not a link, purely for display.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

yea, in the ereader it shows as the main listing. then when i click on a book it shows that info with author and series as a link. I cant replicate exact functionality in the browser. Im looking for an opds browser for osx or linux gui

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

I was looking over the spec. it seems like this is the way they are doing it (example). you might have already tried this. scifically the uri entry after author name

    <title>Bob, Son of Bob</title>
      <name>Bob the Recursive</name>
    <category scheme=""
              label="FICTION / Men's Adventure"/>
    <summary>The story of the son of the Bob and the gallant part he played in
      the lives of a man and a woman.</summary>
    <link rel=""     
    <link rel="" 

    <link rel="alternate"
          title="Complete Catalog Entry for Bob, Son of Bob"/>

    <link rel="" 
    <link rel="" 
philborman commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's one of the guides I looked at, it doesn't show any extra links. There is a uri for the author rather than a link, and it doesn't produce anything on screen in moon+ or aldiko

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Just add a navigation link href to search with authorname? Im looking through calibre opds code to try and get a hint.

I see one issue with kindle stuff. If you have users turn on, then in moon+ it has login page instead of opds feed, and i cant login as no keyboard pops up. Mind you this may completely be a moon+ issue for sure.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Just some references. It seems moon+ is a sucky reader as far as odps is concerned and whats supported.

tests of various clients

good info here

philborman commented 5 years ago

The spreadsheet is quite useful. Line 30 "multiple aquisitions" is the one that allows us to choose epub/mobi or whatever to download. It seems moon+ ignores all links except mobi? Line 11 "full image" is why there were no images in moon+ but they were working in aldiko Nothing in there about links to author or series though. The test-catalog has a few other options though, will take a look.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Yea, ive been reading some opds google groups and aldikido seems to be the best client for opds so far. I may have to make a switch as they have ios app in testing to.

Just FYI. I started docs

dev branch for now this is using mkdocs

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

re docs. Ill be posting tickets on my repo for now with questions

philborman commented 5 years ago

Looks a good start. I take it nothing came of trying to get the lazylibrarian domain at github?

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

No. completely no response after 3 emails.

Initial is to get readme and wiki implemented, and updated with current graphics. Im just about done with front end, moving to config. if you want to see what its looking like pip install mkdocs pip install mkdocs-material git pull my repo in repo mkdocs build -clean mkdocs serve

itll be on local port 8000

philborman commented 5 years ago

Ok, have just emailed github again. See what they say.

I am just upgrading my ubuntu to latest release, will take a few hours, so will install mkdocs and have a look at your repo later.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

18.10? or .04? Im on .04 and am really liking it

philborman commented 5 years ago

18.10 came out yesterday. I was on 18.04 mint edition, then vanilla ubuntu. This time I'm trying kubuntu with plasma, tried a live usb and it looks very smooth. I think my 18.04 had accumulated too much junk. Every couple of years a fresh install seems to help rather than an upgrade.

philborman commented 5 years ago

Ok, up and running again, yay! Had a look at your repo docs, all looking very professional. I will have a look in more detail in the coming days, and let you know about any omissions or changes in the code that need documenting. The info in the wiki is at least a year out of date, except for the odd update.

btw in order to get mkdocs to run I had to python -m mkdocs --clean and python -m mkdocs serve just mkdocs on its own didn't recognise the pip installed material theme

Also I had a reply from GitHub Staff re the lazylibrarian domain, was it brianredbeard you tried to contact, as it looks like it's his domain. GitHub have an email address for the owner though, they said...

I've just sent your message, so (with any luck) we'll hear something back from the owner of that username soon. We can't guarantee a response, of course, but we'll be sure to let you know immediately if we receive any word from them.

Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

Good news. And sorry about the shorthand with mkdocs. I decided to go to 18.10 too cause why not. Just got settled back in as well.btw we need a better way to chat. Discord? i am codeslave#2342 there. Im gmt -5 btw

philborman commented 5 years ago

I just signed up to discord, pb1961#8978 I'm gmt +2 until Sunday then gmt +1

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018, 01:18 CodeS1ave, wrote:

Good news. And sorry about the shorthand with mkdocs. I decided to go to 18.10 too cause why not. Just got settled back in as well.btw we need a better way to chat. Discord? i am codeslave#2342 there. Im gmt -5 btw

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Code-Slave commented 5 years ago

sent a friend request. Lots of doc updates. The unclear or parts I need more are marked with TODO: