DoganM95 / Xiaomi-Vacuum-Rest-Api-Server

Takes http requests to control xiaomi vacuum robots
MIT License
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Turn into bridge #2

Open DoganM95 opened 2 years ago

DoganM95 commented 2 years ago

Docker container should run on a raspberry pi. Pi should host a wireless access point, which the vacuum connects to. The AP should let all the vacuum traffic in and out. The docker container on the pi should be able to communicate to the connected vacuum and control it. The rest-server in container should be exposable to the web (port forwarding in router), so user is able to send http requests over the internet.

Goal is to put the vacuum and the rest server into an isolated guest network, in which devices cannot communicate with each other, thus the access point as a bridge. Then control the vacuum using http from the internet.

The pi (zero w) could be physically attached to the vacuum, when the prototype fully works as intended, or even integrated into the vacuum housing.