DominoVagrant / demo

Apache License 2.0
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This repository contains a vagrant configuration for spinning up a domino server.

Prerequisites to using it include an installation of vagrant itself, the vagrant-vbguest plugin, and virtualbox. Only the virtualbox provider has been tested and at this time it is not recommended to use any other vagrant provider. The vagrant configuration has been tested under Mac OS X and Windows, and is known to have issues under Linux, which is also not recommended to use at this time (in particular, vagrant under linux does not support the reboot guest capability natively, and while there is a plugin to add it ( it didn't seem to work reliably).

Download and install virtualbox on your chosen platform:

Next, download and install vagrant on your chosen platform:

Once vagrant has been installed, provision the vbguest plugin by running:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Clone this git repository onto your system:

git clone

You will need to supply the Domino installer and optional fix pack files yourself (eg, Domino_12.0_Linux_English.tar, Domino_1101FP2_Linux.tar). Copy these files into or create symlinks to them in the vagrant_cached_domino_mfa_files subdirectory of the git checkout.

If you want to access the server from a Notes ID, create a safe ID using the instructions here

At this point, you can execute 'vagrant up' in the git checkout directory to spin up a vm instance, or use the utility scripts to create a log file with the initialization output in addition to showing on the screen.

Once the system has been provisioned, you can use 'vagrant ssh' to access it, or again the utility scripts to create a log file of the ssh session.

View the contents of the dist-support/CommandHelp.text for more details. This file will also be displayed followed each vagrant up operation for your continued reference.

Provisioning details

The vagrant configuration begins with a CentOS 7 box image and initially installs/configures the virtual box guest tools on it.

It then proceeds to install/configure the domino server [need more detail here from someone familiar with this process].

Accessing the Domino Server

The Domino server will be started automatically when vagrant up completes.

Domino Console

To access the console, run:

vagrant ssh
screen -r

Web Interface

The web interface of the server is here: http://localhost:8080/names.nsf

Access from Notes Client

If you want to access the server from a Notes Client, you will need to cross-certify your ID. To do this, first create a safe ID:

  1. Open User Security:
    • MacOS: HCL Notes > Security > User Security
    • Windows: File > Security > User Security
  2. Select the Your Identity > Your Certificates tab
  3. Run Other Actions > Export NotesID Safe ID. Do not set a password

Copy this ID to ./dist-id-files/safe.ids (or update SAFE_NOTES_ID in Vagrantfile), and run vagrant up.

Then you will need to create a connection document in your local Notes client.

  1. File > Open > HCL Notes Application
  2. Open names.nsf on your local machine
  3. Click Advanced in the bottom of the left sidebar
  4. Open the Connections view
  5. Click New > Server Connection
    1. In the Basic tab, set Server name as "demo/Demo" and check the TCP/IP checkbox
    2. In the Advanced tab, set the Destination server address to ""
    3. Click Save & Close

Then you can open a database on the server like this:

  1. File > Open > HCL Notes Application
  2. Enter "demo/DEMO" as the server name
  3. Select a database (like names.nsf) and click Open


Common Problems

Error for Headless VirtualBox

If you get an error indicating that VirtualBox could not start in headless mode, open Vagrantfile and uncomment this line

     #vb.gui = true