Donkie / Spoolman

Keep track of your inventory of 3D-printer filament spools.
MIT License
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New tab file for active or used coils #258

Open Schulli73 opened 8 months ago

Schulli73 commented 8 months ago

Hello, I have an idea for an extension to include an additional tab on the left-hand side titled Spools in Use. Where you then press and you can see which coils are currently being actively used. This would have the advantage if you have several printers and all of them are operated from a central Raspberry Pi and there you have an overview of the current status of the spools that are being printed. This way, if you have several printers, you don't have to go through the hassle of going to each one and checking them.

Donkie commented 8 months ago

This is a good idea, but I would probably put it on the home page instead :)

rufinus commented 8 months ago

Spoolman does not know which printer send the commands to decrease the spool length. (AFAIK). In fact spoolman doesnt know of the printer itself at all - it only knows about filaments and spools, and the spools are grabed by the integration to select them.