Donna-ai / Donna

Donna = Virtual Assistant + Internet of Things, "Donna, the best Virtual Secretary platform" (Work In Progress)
MIT License
44 stars 17 forks source link

Plan Architecture for Donna #1

Closed Glavin001 closed 9 years ago

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago


Glavin001 commented 9 years ago
Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

How about using Babel (ES6 to 5 transpiler) for Node.js source code? See

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Rename Cortex plugin to Brain plugin? Hubot just calls it a brain, sounds simple enough.

So in summation: Sense, Brain, Output

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Since all plugins are registered in the form of:

function(donna) {
   // register plugins

would it make sense to omit/remove the donna argument from each of the functions? For instance, the current registration API for IntentExtractors is as follows:

            // Text to Intent extractor
                name: "test",
                description: "This is a Test Intent Extractor",
                dataTypes: ["text"] // supported input data types
            }, function(donna, input, cb) {
               // Note the `donna` being passed in here!

Should that donna argument even be there? Or simply use the "global" donna that is provided in the initial function(donna) { } wrapper?

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

Consider this the very basic, first iteration, foundation for Donna.

Further development shall proceed in separate, more modular issues.

Glavin001 commented 9 years ago

For more Brain-related terms: