DotJoshJohnson / vscode-xml

XML Tools for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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"Get Current XPath" returns wrong result #310

Open lnrd96 opened 4 years ago

lnrd96 commented 4 years ago

Description The index returned does not exist. Also the resulting xpath does not exist as an input to "Evaluate Current XPath". I could not (yet) find out in which context this bug does or does not occur.

F.e.: /root/element/subelement/thiselementdoesnotexist[6]/leafelement The element is actually at index [2].

Extension Version 2.5.0

VS Code Version 1.45.1

Operating System Darwin x64 19.4.0

DotJoshJohnson commented 4 years ago

The "get current XPath" implementation is pretty naïve and could use an overhaul. If you could provide an example XML document that can be used to reproduce, that would be helpful when I revisit this feature. Thanks!

wlad commented 3 years ago

I confirm the issue


Find xpath of openEHR-EHR-ADMIN_ENTRY.minimal.v1 in below XML document

<template xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
    <original_author id="Original Author">Not Specified</original_author>
    <other_details id="MetaDataSet:Sample Set ">Template metadata sample set </other_details>
    <other_details id="Acknowledgements"/>
    <other_details id="Business Process Level"/>
    <other_details id="Care setting"/>
    <other_details id="Client group"/>
    <other_details id="Clinical Record Element"/>
    <other_details id="Copyright"/>
    <other_details id="Issues"/>
    <other_details id="Owner"/>
    <other_details id="Sign off"/>
    <other_details id="Speciality"/>
    <other_details id="User roles"/>
      <purpose>Not Specified</purpose>
  <concept>Minimal admin</concept>
    <attributes xsi:type="C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE">
      <children xsi:type="C_COMPLEX_OBJECT">
        <attributes xsi:type="C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE">
          <children xsi:type="C_CODE_PHRASE">
    <attributes xsi:type="C_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE">
      <children xsi:type="C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT">
        <attributes xsi:type="C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE">
          <children xsi:type="C_COMPLEX_OBJECT">
            <attributes xsi:type="C_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE">
              <children xsi:type="C_COMPLEX_OBJECT">
                <attributes xsi:type="C_SINGLE_ATTRIBUTE">
                  <children xsi:type="C_DV_ORDINAL">
        <term_definitions code="at0000">
          <items id="description">unknown</items>
          <items id="text">Minimal</items>
        <term_definitions code="at0001">
          <items id="description">@ internal @</items>
          <items id="text">Arbol</items>
        <term_definitions code="at0002">
          <items id="description">*</items>
          <items id="text">ordinal</items>
        <term_definitions code="at0003">
          <items id="description">*</items>
          <items id="text">option 1</items>
        <term_definitions code="at0004">
          <items id="description">*</items>
          <items id="text">option 2</items>
        <term_definitions code="at0005">
          <items id="description">*</items>
          <items id="text">option 3</items>
    <term_definitions code="at0000">
      <items id="description">unknown</items>
      <items id="text">Minimal</items>


XML Tools: Get Current XPath returns



XML Tools: Get Current XPath returns

J9zAacNh39Ad7RP commented 2 years ago

I would like to see this fixed too. Strangely, if I select the node I am interested in and invoke XML:Goto Path it shows the correct path.

AZN1244 commented 6 months ago