Drakulix / googlehome

Google Home Integration for Home-Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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Adb installation #3

Closed ShaharLahav closed 4 years ago

ShaharLahav commented 4 years ago

When the custom component is being loaded it immediately shuts with an error of "Please install adb", I am running Hassos on rpi3 using docker so it is not that easy to install adb, please help :)

Drakulix commented 4 years ago

Well, I do not have a similar platform nor is that really an issue with my component, so I am a bit lost here.

Since hassos is based on raspbian, you should be able to install adb using something similar to: sudo apt-get install -y android-tools-adb.

You may then start an adb-server: sudo adb start-server and configure the extension with an adb_host and adb_port instead (your network ip and likely 5037), so that your home-assistant container might connect to the external running adb.

Alternatively you may try to find a similar image to what I am using for this job: sorccu/adb.

Unfortunately there is no arm build of it, so you either need to find another one or adjust the Dockerfile yourself. You can then link that container to your home-assistant container and access adb that way.

I hope this help to get you started.

ShaharLahav commented 4 years ago

You cant use apt-get on hassos :( ill try to link the container.. not a docker expert though.. Thanks!