This project aims to provide users access to the art created for the HSM Bezel Reflection Shader on hardware not capable of using the shader.
In addition to the overlays provided, I am also providing the project files in case, for example, you have a favorite bezel you would like to use in place of the one provided.
I am assuming you know how to load an overlay in Retroarch. The "retroarch_template.psd" and the "retroarch_template_1080.psd" contain a transparent layer named "screen guide". (Most individual source PSD's have this layer, for templates that don't have the transparent guide there is an "inner shadow/screen guide" layer) You can use these layers to determine your game screen coordinates. The existing coordinates for CRT systems are as follows:
4K No Curvature
4K No Curvature Vertical
4K Widescreen
1080 No Curvature
1080 No Curvature Vertical
1080 Widescreen
This should get you started. Depending on the shader you use, you may need to tweak things a bit, including screen curvature if using. I personally use CRT-Geom with the Bezel overlays, they also work well with the curvature shader in Batocera.
Although there is some clipping, the "No curvature" overlays work OTB on Android phones.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.