Dulappy / aero-window-manager

A configuration utility for modifying Windows 10's DWM metrics
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 4 forks source link

Aero Window Manager

Aero Window Manager is a configuration utility for modifying the metrics of objects drawn by DWM frames on Windows 10. The currently supported versions are 1809 (build 17763), 1903/09 (builds 18362 and 18363), as well as 2004-22H2 (builds 19041-19045).

How to install

MSVC runtime 2019 or later is required to run AWM. If the application doesn't launch after performing the steps below, please try installing that first.

  1. Download the appropriate zip file for your version of Windows (If you're running Windows 10 Version 22H2, that would be the file labeled 2004-22H2.zip). Unzip the contents of the file you downloaded to C:\awm. This should make the path of awmdll.dll be C:\awm\awmdll.dll. NOTE: You can name the root folder differently, but it has to be in the root of the C:\ drive to ensure the application functions properly.
  2. Open a cmd process as administrator and execute the command regsvr32 c:\awm\msdia140_awm.dll. A message should pop up telling you that the operation has succeeded.

NOTE: Steps 3 and 4 can be bypassed by using Task Scheduler or any other way to launch an executable as SYSTEM.

  1. Download PsTools.
  2. In a cmd process running as administrator, navigate to the folder that you unzipped PsTools into (for example c:\pstools) and run the following command: psexec64 -s -i cmd.exe. This should open a new Command Prompt window running as SYSTEM.
  3. In this new Command Prompt window, type cd c:\awm (or the folder you installed AWM to), followed by injector. The awmdll.dll process will download symbols from Microsoft's servers (saved to C:\awm\symbols), after which it will hook into different functions within DWM, modifying their behavior. Then, clicking on any window should update its appearance to match that produced by AWM.

Registry Keys

Key Name Value Range Default Value
Window_CornerRadiusX (0-inf) 0
Window_CornerRadiusY (0-inf) 0
TB_ButtonAlign (0-4) (top, center, tbcenter, bottom, full) full
TB_ButtonAlignPal (0-4) (top, center, tbcenter, bottom, full) top
TB_TargetHeight (0-inf) 22
TB_TargetHeightPal (0-inf) 22
TB_XBtnHeight (0-inf) 30
TB_XBtnHeightLone (0-inf) 30
TB_XBtnHeightPal (0-inf) 20
TB_MidBtnHeight (0-inf) 30
TB_EdgeBtnHeight (0-inf) 30
TB_XBtnWidth (0-inf) 47
TB_XBtnWidthLone (0-inf) 34
TB_XBtnWidthPal (0-inf) 20
TB_MidBtnWidth (0-inf) 46
TB_EdgeBtnWidth (0-inf) 47
TB_XBtnInsTop (-inf-inf) 1
TB_XBtnInsTopLone (-inf-inf) 1
TB_MidBtnInsTop (-inf-inf) 1
TB_EdgeBtnInsTop (-inf-inf) 1
TB_XBtnInsTopMax (-inf-inf) 0
TB_XBtnInsTopLoneMax (-inf-inf) 0
TB_MidBtnInsTopMax (-inf-inf) 0
TB_EdgeBtnInsTopMax (-inf-inf) 0
TB_XBtnOffset (-inf-inf) -1
TB_XBtnOffsetMax (-inf-inf) 1
TB_XBtnOffsetPal (-inf-inf) 1
TB_XBtnAfter (0-inf) 0
TB_MidBtnAfter (0-inf) 0
TB_EdgeBtnAfter (0-inf) 0
TB_InsetLeftAdd (0-inf) 0
TB_InsetLeftMul (0-inf) 2
TB_InsetLeftAddMax (0-inf) 2
TB_InsetLeftMulMax (0-inf) 1
TB_TextInset (0-inf) 5
TB_BtnInactiveOpacity (0-100) 40
UseTransparency (0-1) 0
AccentPolicy (0-4) 0
Window_ColorRActive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorGActive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorBActive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorRInactive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorGInactive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorBInactive (0-255) 255
Window_ColorBalanceActive (0-100) 100
Window_ColorBalanceInactive (0-100) 100
Text_ColorRActive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorGActive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorBActive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorAActive (0-255) 255
Text_ColorRInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorGInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorBInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ColorAInactive (0-255) 102
Text_ShadowColorRActive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorGActive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorBActive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorAActive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorRInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorGInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorBInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowColorAInactive (0-255) 0
Text_ShadowOffsetX (-inf-inf) 0
Text_ShadowOffsetY (-inf-inf) 0
Text_Alignment (0-4) left
TB_IconTextVertAlign (0-1) center
Text_GlowOpacityActive (0-100) 0
Text_GlowOpacityInactive (0-100) 0


Dulappy: AWM\ Valinet: libvalinet\ Neptune: Temporary GUI\ Microsoft: msdia140.dll

I might be forgetting minor contributors. If you think you've contributed to anything in the project, please let me know.