A Blender addon I created because I wanted to work with Blender 2.9+, and the existing one wasn't compatible.
What's Supported
World (*.w) export and import
Mesh (*.w/*.prm) export and import
Collision (*.ncp) export and import
Hull (*.hul) export and import
Mirror Planes (\.rim) export and import
PSX Hull (*.hul) import
PSX Mesh (*.psm) import
PSX World (\.psw) import
*this re-creates the hull based on it's vertices
Installation (Windows)
Place the io_scene_revolt folder in the %appdata%\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons
The way you do flags etc has changed. The way I've written this is more of a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) approach.
- Texture number is based on the texture assigned to a material. Ex. if you assign "mytrack_a", it will export faces with this material as texture 0.
- Translucent flag is set by the "Blend Mode" on a material being either "Alpha Hashed" or "Alpha Blend"
- Alpha value for vertex color is set by the "Alpha" slider in a "Principled BSDF" material
- Env flag is set by the specularity of a "Principled BSDF" material.
- On tracks, hook up a Color node to the Specular input, this will be used as env color
- On cars, just set the slider above 0 for env, or to 0 for no env
- Double sided flag is set by a material having the "Backface Culling" option turned OFF
- Texture animations are currently not supported
- Mirror flag is set by the "Screen Space Refraction" checkbox in material properties
- To setup an additive material, set it up as described on this page:
- To use vertex alpha, add a "Vertex Color" node to the material, and connect the alpha output to the alpha input of the principled setup
The W exporter also functions as an alternative to WorldCut! Just select the "Split Meshes" option upon exporting.
The way collision is setup has changed.
- Select your collision object, open the search menu, and locate "Setup NCP Object"
- This will add NCP materials to the objects material list
- Camera only / Object only flags are done with Face Maps, these are in the "Mesh Data" tab of the object
- Selected objects will be exported as convex hulls
- Any object named "HullSphere" is exported as a sphere
- The size of exported spheres is the average scale of the object. To make a 'compatible' sphere model, create a 1 diameter UV sphere.
- Any object named "MirrorPlane" is exported as mirror planes
- Using "Selected Only" will override this behavior
- PSX import may have incorrectly created materials
- PSX stores double sided polygons as individual polygons, and Blender doesn't like 2 polygons sharing vertices. So these don't import currently.