Create a low / medium fidelity prototype for a homepage system for a teacher user. Should include views for a unit overview, and then options within each unit
Create a seperate branch on the CAB302 repo with a JavaFX project, and link it to this issue
What: Create a low / medium fidelity prototype for a homepage system for a teacher user. Should include views for a unit overview, and then options within each unit
How: Create a seperate branch on the CAB302 repo with a JavaFX project, and link it to this issue
Who: See Assignees on this item
The Inputs: See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qyXbMiY5Ldy83K3QsAp1KHCe5IxD5CYCwFdcnMmvKCY/edit?usp=sharing for a broad overview of what this interface should involve
The outputs: A simple low fidelity drawing of an interface, followed by a basic Java FX demonstration implementing that low fidelity interface