DynamoDS / Dynamo

Open Source Graphical Programming for Design
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Crash report from Dynamo #12595

Open FalconStarFighter opened 2 years ago

FalconStarFighter commented 2 years ago

Issue Description

I accidently set a "get item at index" to both the item and the index and it froze up on me. Bummer that a bad flick of the wrist crashed my machine because I couldn't kill the command when dynamo is set to automatically run

Dynamo version


Operating system

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19043.0

What did you do?

I accidently set a "get item at index" to both the item and the index and it froze up on me. Bummer that a bad flick of the wrist crashed my machine because I couldn't kill the command when dynamo is set to automatically run. I was hoping it would time out with an error, but instead it crashed.

What did you expect to see?

I expected to see a crash as soon as it started, but I wished there was a way to kill the script as soon as it happened.

What did you see instead?

A crash

What packages or external references (if any) were used?


Stack Trace

   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.EnsureCapacity(Int32 min)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Add(T item)
   at ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.Replicator.ComputeAllReducedParams(List`1 formalParams, List`1 replicationInstructions, RuntimeCore runtimeCore, Boolean performArraySampling)
   at ProtoCore.FunctionGroup.GetLooseConversionDistances(Context context, List`1 formalParams, List`1 replicationInstructions, ClassTable classTable, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)
   at ProtoCore.CallSite.GetLooseCompliantFEP(Context context, List`1 arguments, FunctionGroup funcGroup, List`1 replicationInstructions, StackFrame stackFrame, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)
   at ProtoCore.CallSite.ComputeFeps(Context context, List`1 arguments, FunctionGroup funcGroup, List`1 instructions, StackFrame stackFrame, RuntimeCore runtimeCore, List`1& resolvedFeps, List`1& replicationInstructions)
   at ProtoCore.CallSite.DispatchNew(Context context, List`1 arguments, List`1 partialReplicationGuides, DominantListStructure domintListStructure, StackFrame stackFrame, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)
   at ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Callr(Int32 blockDeclId, Int32 functionIndex, Int32 classIndex, Boolean& explicitCall, Boolean isDynamicCall, Boolean hasDebugInfo)
   at ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.CALLR_Handler(Instruction instruction)
   at ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Execute(Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, Language language)
   at ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Execute(Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, List`1 breakpoints, Language language)
   at ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.BounceUsingExecutive(Executive executive, Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, StackFrame stackFrame, Int32 locals, Boolean fepRun, Executive exec, List`1 breakpoints)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptRunner.ExecuteLive(Core core, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.Execute(Boolean isCodeCompiled)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.CompileAndExecute(List`1 astList)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.CompileAndExecuteForDeltaExecution(List`1 astList)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.SynchronizeInternal(GraphSyncData syncData)
   at ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.UpdateGraph(GraphSyncData syncData)
   at Dynamo.Scheduler.UpdateGraphAsyncTask.HandleTaskExecutionCore()
   at Dynamo.Scheduler.AsyncTask.Execute()

CLR: 4.0.30319.42000

Amoursol commented 2 years ago

@FalconStarFighter Did you have a huge dataset there? If so, Dynamo probably crashed when it ran out of memory allocation. We have improved this exact scenario in Dynamo 2.13: https://dynamobim.org/dynamo-core-2-13-release-part-3-3/