DynamoDS / DynamoRevit

Dynamo Libraries for Revit
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Dynamo for Revit

Dynamo for Revit is a plugin for Revit and a library of Dynamo Nodes. It's also often referred to as DynamoRevit or D4R for short.

Dynamo for Revit has different branches for different versions of Revit. For example, to run Dynamo for Revit on Revit 2016 you want the Dynamo for Revit 2016 branch.

How to build and use DynamoRevit

To use a locally built DynamoRevit plugin inside Revit, you'll need to do three things:

  1. Build DynamoRevit
  2. Get or Build Dynamo Core
  3. Associate DynamoRevit with DynamoCore
  4. Create a Revit Addin

1. Build DynamoRevit

2. Get or Build Dynamo Core

It's often helpful to build both DynamoRevit and Dynamo Core from source. To do that:

It's also possible to use the prebuilt Dynamo that ships with Revit, or to retrieve a particular Dynamo Core version from Nuget without building it yourself. These approaches need to be documented.

3. Associate DynamoRevit with Dynamo Core

After DynamoRevit is built, you will notice that there is a Dynamo.config file in DynamoRevit\bin\AnyCPU\Debug[Or Release]. With this file you must specify which DynamoCore you want to run with the DynamoRevit build.

For example, if you specify

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <add key="DynamoRuntime" value="C:\Workspace\GitHub\Dynamo\bin\AnyCPU\Debug"/>

you will run DynamoRevit with the DynamoCore at C:\Workspace\GitHub\Dynamo\bin\AnyCPU\Debug. This is especially useful when you want to test the DynamoRevit built with different flavors of DynamoCore, or you are using RTF to test a built version of DynamoRevit. Rebuilding will overwrite this file, so you must replace the path each time you build.

4. Create a Revit Addin

Starting in Revit 2020, there is a version of DynamoCore and the DynamoRevit addin included in the Revit install folder. First, remove or delete the DynamoForRevit addin folder from the following location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2020\AddIns

For development, you'll have to manually create an addin file that instructs Revit to load the plugin on startup. A DynamoRevit addin file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
  <AddIn Type="Application">
    <Name>Dynamo For Revit</Name>

This .addin file should be placed in the following location:

where <version> is the version of Revit for which the addin is built. Notice that the Assembly tag points to the output folder of the Dynamo for Revit build you created in step 1.

Now you should be able to launch Revit and see the Dynamo and Dynamo Player icons on the Manage tab. If you experience issues, check the troubleshooting tips in the next section.

Troubleshooting Build Issues

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
  <AddIn Type="Application">
    <Name>Dynamo For Revit</Name>

Running DynamoRevit Tests with RevitTestFramework

(This documentation is a work in progress, still being assembled and verified from internal documents) For more information, see https://github.com/DynamoDS/RevitTestFramework/blob/master/README.md

Option 1: RevitTestFrameworkConsole.exe

A console application which allows running RTF without a user interface. If you'd like to learn more about the command line options for RTF, you can simply type "RevitTestFrameworkConsole -h".

As an example, the following command:

RevitTestFrameworkConsole.exe --dir [DynamoRevit dev root]\test\System -a [DynamoRevit dev root]\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\Revit\RevitSystemTests.dll -r MyTestResults.xml -revit:"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2019\Revit.exe" --copyAddins --continuous

will execute all tests in MyTest.dll located in C:\MyTestDir and place all results in MyTestResults.xml (in the same folder). It will use Revit 2019 as specified and will run all tests without shutting down Revit.

If you use dev package, another example:

RevitTestFrameworkConsole.exe --dir [DynamoRevit dev root]\test\System -a [DynamoRevit dev root]\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\Revit\RevitSystemTests.dll -r MyTestResults.xml -revit:"D:\Revit\Revit.exe" --continuous

You specified a non-normally installed Revit.exe, you do not need to add the '--copyAddins' parameter. You need to manually copy a Dynamo.addin file to your working directory 'C:\MyTestDir'.

Option 2: RevitTestFrameworkGUI.exe (This only supports Revit install build)

Provides a visual interface for you to choose tests from a treeview and to visualize the results of the tests as they are run. The same settings provided in the command line argument help above are available in the UI. The UI also allows you to save your testing session.

The input fields to set the test assembly, the working directory, and the results file, as well as the tree view where available tests are displayed, support dragging and dropping of files and folders.