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Crashing DR client when a process sets Trap flag #3783

Open secrary opened 5 years ago

secrary commented 5 years ago

Some malware changes page protection to PAGE_NOACCESS and executes a code from the code, which causes to trigger a handler, usually, the handler is registered beforehand and the handler just changes protection back to RX (or RWX) and continues execution.

When a process is under DR client, the client crashes with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error instead of passing the exception to the process and continue execution.

*more about the trick: https://secrary.com/Random/anti_re_simple/

derekbruening commented 5 years ago

There is not enough information here. Please provide the code for a minimal client and minimal application. Details on exactly what this client is doing are needed. "The client crashes": where? Is it registered for the exception event? Is it failing to tell DR to pass the exception on to the app? Without details I would guess that this is a bug in the client.

secrary commented 5 years ago

My mistake, the crashing reason is EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, not EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. ( setting PAGE_NOACCESS trick is not related to the crash) image

Malware I was talking about also sets Trap flag and EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP is handled by the registered handler.

I re-implement setting Trap flag part of the code:

    struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo
    printf("err: 0x%lx\n", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);


int __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv)
    // register a handler
    AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, handler);

    // set TF
        or dword ptr[esp], 0x100 // set the Trap Flag 
        popfd                    // Load the value into EFLAGS register
        mov eax, eax;            // trigger EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP

    return 3;

but this one executes without crashing the client, I don't know what's the reason, is there a way to print EIP at the moment of a client crash (on the crash window there is no EIP register) ?

derekbruening commented 5 years ago

Which version of DR are you using? There was a problem with single-step which was solved in 47b56c854bd8d4137dad54e5cc124ab983ecb370 in PR #2295 for #2144. A test was added. If you have that patch in place, please examine the test and determine what is needed to be added to reproduce this problem.

secrary commented 5 years ago

I'm using the latest version of DR. Reproduced code I created works fine, which I think should fail. If you have a separated Windows VM to run the malware under a DR client you will get the same error I'm getting (all DR client I've tested crashes)

SHA256 of the malware: 7AA84B4CE4FBF937632D3008981C3EF8FF63E1FF846FDBB55060F3973D2507A9 It's inside ...artifacts.zip file: https://www.malware-traffic-analysis.net/2019/07/22/index.html

derekbruening commented 5 years ago

As the debugging tips at https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/wiki/Debugging#debugging-tips-1 suggest, please run without any client, and please run debug build.

So it sounds like you have an attempt at a minimal reproducer which actually works fine under DR, and we have a regression test of an app using a single step exception which also works fine. So there is something more to it here. I would suggest using debug build logs to narrow down what is happening.

is there a way to print EIP at the moment of a client crash (on the crash window there is no EIP register) ?

The EIP value is printed in a DR crash report as the crashing PC address, like this: internal crash at PC 0x00007fbadb094c36.

You keep talking about a "client crash": as suggested, please run without any client. Does that work? I.e., is this something in core DR, or something either related to client interface support inside DR or something caused by the client's code itself?

secrary commented 5 years ago

Without any client getting very similar crash report: image

With -debug build getting bit more information: image

derekbruening commented 5 years ago

Once it's established that the problem occurs with no client, continue running with no client (i.e., in the -debug run): no reason to introduce complexity back. The goal is to minimize.

I would suggest running with -loglevel 3 or -loglevel 4 in debug build and looking at the precise sequence of events to figure out what is going on: how is this different from our regression test or your simple code.

secrary commented 5 years ago

Timeout with -loglevel 3 image



secrary commented 5 years ago

Log files produced by "-debug -loglevel 2"


miburt commented 3 years ago

@derekbruening "Any help you could provide...": While I have read your thesis and done some other research, I've only just started playing around with DR. I managed to create my own debug build, but that's about it right now. Would not mind trying to help, just don't know how...

miburt commented 3 years ago

Let me start with this: I also have a different approach for setting the trap flag (TF) and causing a single-step exception (that brings down DR, with 2 dump files this time). No popf used, and thus inserting a nop to keep the exception in the cache (as mentioned in #2144) may not be an option (and something still doesn't seem to work correctly or this bug here would not exist). Should I describe the approach in more details in here or file a separate ticket?

derekbruening commented 3 years ago

Should I describe the approach in more details in here or file a separate ticket?

Either way seems fine to me: making this an umbrella case for missing trap flag support, or separating.

miburt commented 3 years ago

I'll stick to this ticket for now. The x86 code to cause this 'other' issue with the trap flag goes something like this:

int ExceptionFilter(_In_ EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pEx)
    if (STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION == pEx->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
        ++pEx->ContextRecord->Eip;  // Skip HLT instruction.
        pEx->ContextRecord->EFlags |= 0x100;  // Single step next instruction.
    else if (STATUS_SINGLE_STEP == pEx->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
        return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION;  // Simply absorb.

int main()
        __asm hlt
    __except (ExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation()))

    return 0;

Interestingly enough DR does produce a fatal dump file in this case before the process goes down. Samples log & dump files generated during a 32 bit run are attached here: logs and dumps.zip. The exact sources (VS project) is here: FilterSingleStep.zip