Ontology for consent codes and data use requirements
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Preferred Citation for Repo #36

Open poldham opened 4 years ago

poldham commented 4 years ago

Dear All,

I am working on a report that discusses DUO and uses the images from the repo. At the moment I am just providing the link to the repo. Is there a preferred citation for the repo (e.g. adding a Zenodo doi for the repo itself) or anything else such as publications on DUO that should be used?

Many thanks and all the best,


mcourtot commented 4 years ago

Hi @poldham, thanks for the enquiry; we've been using the repository link alongside the ontology PURL, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/duo.owl

If shareable we'd love to read your feedback on the resource. Feel free to submit additional tickets should you find missing features!

Cheers, Melanie

poldham commented 4 years ago

HI @mcourtot, OK I've also got PURL as well in the write up. Also to mention that the duo.csv in src is actually really useful for showing a table summary of the ontology for non-specialists as is the link to the live EGA example. For something like EGA I think for the future it would be good to get some kind of sense of how many datasets are marked up with DUO to get an idea of scale of dissemination.... but I guess that is for the future. My piece including DUO should become available sometime in the new year and will be happy to share when it does. All the Best, Paul