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Open Targets therapeutic areas: cardiac disorders + vascular disorders #486

Closed paolaroncaglia closed 4 years ago

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Proposed TA name:

  1. Cardiac disorders
  2. Vascular disorders Current EFO TA name: Cardiovascular disease Priority for OT: High Justification: See definitions below, cardiac should include the heart and associated blood vessels, Vascular refers to any blood vessel

car·di·ac = 1. Pertaining to the heart., 2. Pertaining to the esophageal opening of the stomach. , 3. (Obsolete). A remedy for heart disease. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiac Cardiovascular = pertaining to the heart and blood vessels. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cardiovascular vascular = pertaining to blood vessels or indicative of a copious blood supply. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/vascular

Currently in EFO: [OLS view of 'heart disease' and 'vascular disease']

ACTION: Update the therapeutic area list (ontology will keep the same): remove cardiovascular disease add heart disease add vascular disease We can do a pull-request for this action

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Note for self: I'll document my brain dump here.

Current EFO TA name: Cardiovascular disease

EFO has: EFO:0000319 cardiovascular disease (disease location: UBERON:0004535 cardiovascular system) Among its children are: EFO:0003777 heart disease (disease location: UBERON:0000948 heart) EFO:0004264 vascular disease (disease location: UBERON:0001981 blood vessel)

UBERON 'cardiovascular system' in EFO has 2 subclasses: EFO heart component + UBERON heart conduction system UBERON:0000948 heart and UBERON:0001981 blood vessel in EFO are both part_of UBERON 'cardiovascular system'

MONDO has 'cardiovascular disease' with children 'heart disease' and 'vascular disease'. Their disease locations are, respectively, UBERON cardiovascular system, UBERON:0000948 heart and UBERON:0002049 vasculature (NOT blood vessel)

UBERON blood vessel is a descendant of UBERON vasculature UBERON is multi-species, and vasculature works for non-blood systems too


paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Summary for requested OT TAs cardiac disorders + vascular disorders:

cardiac disorder already exists in EFO as EFO:0003777 heart disease (isn't a TA but we can make it so) Subclass of cardiovascular disease and thoracic disease

vascular disorder already exists in EFO as EFO:0004264 vascular disease (isn't a TA but we can make it so) Subclass of cardiovascular disease

In order for heart disease + vascular disease to be directly under disease, we’d need to


zoependlington commented 5 years ago

Check children of cardiovascular disease to see if they can be classified under heart disease, vascular disease or the other therapeutic area for blood disease.

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

As agreed above, here's a review of all children of 'cardiovascular disease', shortened in CVD, starting from the top in the OLS view. All parents will be looked at. Any parent that is not specifically mentioned is good as is and should not be modified. Note, if links to be deleted are inferred, we need to look at what's causing the inference. Presumably, many inferred links are due to blood being part of cardiovascular system in EFO; it isn't in UBERON, so we'll need to address that first.

To be continued.

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago


(CVD = cardiovascular disease)

To be continued with terms from epistaxis down.

d0choa commented 5 years ago

Notes from S. on some of these actions:

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Continued from above (OLS view under CVD, from epistaxis down):

TBC (still missing: pernicious anemia, septicemic plague)

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa Could you and Sandra please provide feedback on the placement of EFO > MONDO:0000474 'pericardium disease' with regards to the therapeutic areas of cardiac disorders and/or vascular disorders. It is currently a direct child of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (as well as thoracic disease). Its textual and logical definitions point to pericardium which contains the heart and the roots of the great vessels; for the OLS view of pericardium, see https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/uberon/terms?iri=http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FUBERON_0002407 We would keep this term under CVD in EFO, but for the OT TAs, would it be enough to have it under the thoracic disease TA? Perhaps we could also place it under connective tissue disease based on the composition of the pericardium, but I'm really not sure because of its multi-tissue structure.



d0choa commented 5 years ago

Reply from Sandra: Pericardium disease would best go to Cardiac disease (cardiac disorders are defining the heart and associated blood vessels, whereby vascular disorders are pertaining to the blood vessels not associated with the heart). It should not go to connective tissue disease.

d0choa commented 5 years ago

Regarding the thoracic disease, we are aiming to make this TA obsolete as it refers to a purely anatomical region with no clinical relevance. Meddra has no equivalent System organ class, so we expect to accommodate all diseases currently contained there in at least 1 other TA.

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa (and Sandra) Thanks. Could you please let me know what exactly is your source for "cardiac disorders are defining the heart and associated blood vessels", so I can quote that in EFO. I can see the logic, but I'd like to avoid the reasoner throwing errors if possible. I might need to create cardiac disease as a parent of heart disease - or I might simply delete the location axiom from pericardium disease - I'd like to find an easily maintainable solution. The only place where I could easily find "cardiac" as referring to heart as well as its surroundings is the Merriam-Webster: "of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart" (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cardiac). Thanks, Paola P.S. I might have found the solution: UBERON has a grouping class for 'heart plus pericardium'; that would sort the logical definitions. I just need sources/references to be able to create a cardiac disease class that refers to heart plus pericardium and that would not be in disagreement with other resources. I think that should be acceptable. A possible issue would be to fix cases where cardiac disease is used as an exact synonym of heart disease, while it should be narrow if we go for this fix.

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Continued from above (OLS view under CVD, last two children):

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa please note, I extended my comment/question to you above, thanks.

d0choa commented 5 years ago

The UBERON class heart plus pericardium is what we were aiming for. If you look at Mesh the heart class includes the pericardium. However, their definition is not very verbose and makes no distinction.

We would advise against "cardiac disease as a parent of heart disease" as cardiac and heart should be synonyms.

Sandra found some accurate definitions in this page:

d0choa commented 5 years ago

See #485 for discussion about lymphatic vessels

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa and Sandra Thanks for your prompt feedback, I do appreciate it. All things considered then, I think it would be quicker and simpler to make pericardium disease a child of heart disease (exact synonym cardiac disease) in the slim for OT TAs only, and keep it as it is in 'regular' EFO. Should be an acceptable compromise for the time being. That would avoid having to make cardiac disease different from heart disease. The descriptions from the Wake Forest health provider are helpful, but I'm afraid not ideal as ontology references :-) Best, Paola

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Note for self: summing up, in short,

d0choa commented 5 years ago

This solution will work for us. However, we think the proposed changes are not an OT specific problem and will benefit EFO as a whole.

Since the UBERON pericardium is part of UBERON heart, we understand pericardium disease should be a child of heart disease and not of cardiovascular disease.

We thought it will be simple as UBERON provides the desired anatomical description. If the problem is with the definition we can try to find a better source, but the one we trust the most we can not share ;)

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

Thanks @d0choa . That's the problem - UBERON pericardium is not part of UBERON heart; it is part of UBERON 'heart plus pericardium', see the section on "Superclasses & Asserted Axioms" in the Ontobee link you provided above. UBERON heart refers to the muscle alone, and UBERON pericardium refers to the sac around the heart. To my knowledge, those UBERON anatomical descriptions are correct and shared by the community. I understand the reasons why the OT view would like pericardium diseases associated with heart diseases, and I understand that cardiac doctors deal with pericardium as well as heart, and we'll have that in the slim we'll provide to you. But to have the same in EFO, we would need the disease class to refer to 'heart plus pericardium', and then we can't call it 'heart disease' because that refers to heart alone. And we can't call it cardiac disease either because that's an exact synonym of heart disease. It doesn't simply depend on the definition. As I said, don't worry, it will be ok in the slim we'll provide. :-)

d0choa commented 5 years ago

Sorry it feels like I'm misreading the ontology and waisting your time.

Can I have an extra question for me to understand? Why does the OLS pericardium entry show part_of some heart as a Term relationship? This and the OLS tree made me think that according to UBERON pericardium is a part of the heart.

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa No problem at all. Yes the OLS view of the EFO pericardium term is confusing and doesn't reflect the placement that the term should have based on the UBERON file that EFO imports (and that shows the same as the Ontobee view we discussed). @zoependlington and @S2Ola are looking into this issue in case something went wrong during the UBERON import. It's good that we spotted this! Thanks David!

paolaroncaglia commented 5 years ago

@d0choa FYI, my colleagues have identified the issue and will address it over the next couple of days. The fix may not be immediately visible in the EFO version in OLS, so for the time being, if you wish/need to double-check the placement of anatomy terms, please refer to the UBERON version currently in OLS. To make things even more interesting, please be aware that the UBERON version loaded in Ontobee is 6 months behind (OLS has the most recent one, but the default URI for UBERON terms redirects to Ontobee!). This said, while I wait for the issue to be fixed, I'll continue to work on the TAs. Best, Paola

paolaroncaglia commented 4 years ago

Note for self: Most issues in this ticket have been addressed via creation of an OT TA slim/profile. Other issues in this ticket will be addressed as part of https://github.com/EBISPOT/efo/issues/571. I'll check boxes as I go to reflect the above, so I can focus on what really still needs to be done in EFO3. UPDATE: I went through all comments in this ticket;

paolaroncaglia commented 4 years ago

Note for self: left to do for this ticket: looking at the post-reasoner inferred view in Protege (also see OLS),

paolaroncaglia commented 4 years ago

Notes for self (no action item for EFO):
opened a Mondo ticket for 'fibromuscular dysplasia' (https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo/issues/1029); opened a Mondo ticket for 'hypotension' (https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo/issues/1030).

paolaroncaglia commented 4 years ago

@smnorthen @d0choa I've finished the revision of the cardiac + vascular disease areas as outlined in this ticket. There may still be issues with Orphanet terms and their parentage, but those will be addressed elsewhere. If you spot any problem with EFO-specific (or Mondo) descendants of cardiac + vascular diseases at a lower/more granular level, please let us know by opening new tickets. Thanks.