EEXCESS / recommender

EEXCESS stands for: Enhancing Europe’s eXchange in Cultural Educational and Scientific reSources and is funded by the EU under GA No. 600601
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[Data Mapping] DCdate does not return correctly for start-end period of years #27

Closed mgrani closed 8 years ago

mgrani commented 8 years ago

for the following query object:

2: Object
    date: "1837-01-01"
    documentBadge: Object
        id: "/2022343/6EB096FC2BCC725C2340A59F32774D8CC3086F53"
        provider: "Europeana"
        uri: ""
        __proto__: Object
    generatingQuery: "parachute"
    language: "en"
    licence: ""
    mediaType: "IMAGE"
    previewImage: ""
    resultGroup: Array[1]
    title: "The Late Fatal Experiment"
    __proto__: Object

we get the following details:

 2: Object
detail: Object
eexcessProxy: Object
    dcidentifier: "/2022343/6EB096FC2BCC725C2340A59F32774D8CC3086F53"
    dctermsdate: 18371838
    dctitle: "The Late Fatal Experiment"
    edmeuropeanaProxy: false
    edmlanguage: "en"   
id: "/2022343/6EB096FC2BCC725C2340A59F32774D8CC3086F53"
provider: "Europeana"
uri: ""

note that 'dctermsdate: 18371838' does not resemble a correct date afaik. Is this an EEXCESS issue or a Europeana problem?

jr-dig-orgel commented 8 years ago

I have check the record and europeana works correct. I will try to correct our mapping.

jr-dig-orgel commented 8 years ago

should be fixed and will be in the next deployment