EFEducationFirstMobile / librabbitmq-objc

Objective-C wrapper for librabbitmq-c
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Symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone #1

Closed phamquochoan closed 10 years ago

phamquochoan commented 10 years ago


Currently I'm trying to implement this library into my IOS's project. First of all, I just copied the rabbitmq-c and all the wrapper classes into my project. Build it. Successed message show up.

Then, I began to write some code:

AMQPConnection *connection = [[AMQPConnection alloc] init];
[connection connectToHost:@"123.45.678.90" onPort:12345];
[connection loginAsUser:@"test" withPassword:@"test" onVHost:@"/"];
AMQPChannel *channel = [connection openChannel]

However, I got this error after [[AMQPConnection alloc] init];

Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone: fcntl$UNIX2003 called from function amqp_open_socket_noblock in image MyApp.

Googling this error doesn't help much. I need some help, thanks in advanced.

dmakarenko commented 10 years ago


Thanks for opening an issue. The fix was pushed recently: 53e08299a19cfaaf5e02a7007cde30ca9102e4c0