ELVIS-Project / vis-framework

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contour indexer Documentation #431

Closed musicus closed 7 years ago

musicus commented 7 years ago

This object is not being picked up by sphinx.

What are contours? What type of contours? Contours according to whom? There should be prose in the docstring that describes these items.

The code examples in the run() method need to look the following way:

>>> import music21
>>> from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, contour 

>>> score = music21.converter.parse('example.xml')
>>> notes = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(score).run()

>>> settings = {'length': 3}
>>> contours = contour.ContourIndexer(notes).run()
>>> print(contours)

There should also be prose on what this code does, and what its expected outcome would look like.

musicus commented 7 years ago

Docstrings aligned with Sphinx, and code brought into pep8 compliance (mostly).