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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/work/home/songbing/.cache/BASALT' #27

Open B1991ing opened 2 months ago

B1991ing commented 2 months ago

Dear BASALT team,

Do you have any idea how to solve the issue mentioned before - command not found #18 (https://github.com/EMBL-PKU/BASALT/issues/18)?

Error screenshot

截屏2024-04-26 21 58 00

Command line mamba init mamba activate BASALT

spades_output=/work/home/songbing/assembly/individual_assemble/metaspades/diarrhea/cecum/ contigs=/contigs.fasta fq_dir=/work/home/songbing/clean_reads/diarrhea/cecum/paired/ cd ${fq_dir} /work/home/songbing/miniforge3/envs/BASALT/bin/BASALT \ -a ${spades_output}3${contigs},${spades_output}4${contigs},${spades_output}5${contigs},${spades_output}7${contigs},${spades_output}9${contigs},${spades_output}15${contigs} \ -s 3CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,3CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz/4CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,4CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz/5CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,5CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz/7CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,7CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz/9CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,9CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz/15CA_1.TM_paired.fq.gz,15CA_2.TM_paired.fq.gz \ -t 60 -m 256 --min-cpn 50 --max-ctn 5 -qc checkm2

mamba deactivate

Installation BASALT_installation.txt

Looking forward your reply as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.



noddevil4949 commented 2 months ago


Unfortunately, BASALT does not support absolute path as input. You can create soft links to your working directory and try again, it should run successfully.

Thanks for using BASALT.


noddevil4949 commented 2 months ago

Please also check if neural network models are in the correct path.