Using threading.active_count doesn't work if there are other threads being used in the process. Both jenkins_generic_job and wait_for_tests use threads and the jenkins_generic_job archiver thread was causing wait_for_tests to wait when it shouldn't have. @ndkeen discovered this was blocking our Jenkins reporting.
Instead, track the set of threads you want to wait on in a list.
The fix to wait_for_tests only impacts E3SM but I found a similar issue in that could impact CESM.
Test suite: scrips_regression_tests wait_for_tests
Test baseline:
Test namelist changes:
Test status: bit for bit
Using threading.active_count doesn't work if there are other threads being used in the process. Both jenkins_generic_job and wait_for_tests use threads and the jenkins_generic_job archiver thread was causing wait_for_tests to wait when it shouldn't have. @ndkeen discovered this was blocking our Jenkins reporting.
Instead, track the set of threads you want to wait on in a list.
The fix to wait_for_tests only impacts E3SM but I found a similar issue in that could impact CESM.
Test suite: scrips_regression_tests wait_for_tests Test baseline: Test namelist changes: Test status: bit for bit
Fixes [CIME Github issue #]
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