ESMG / pyroms

Python tools for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
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Lots of hard-coded /u1/uaf/kshedstrom/ paths #5

Closed drf5n closed 6 years ago

drf5n commented 6 years ago

There are a lot of hard-coded /u1/uaf/kshedstrom/ paths in the installation scripts and makefiles, which makes it hard to try out the code.

For example:


Maybe in the makefiles it would be nice to replace them with some flavor of ${DESTDIR} ?

kshedstrom commented 6 years ago

The idea is that you need to modify before executing it (or cutting and pasting from it into another window). The files down under external should take care of themselves. Still, getting the shared libraries to load is tricky and I don't always succeed.

Current active development is being done on the ESMG/PyCNAL project, one goal being to limit (eliminate?) the need for shared libraries.

drf5n commented 6 years ago

I first tried modding $DESTDIR in, but then the hardcoded paths in external/* makefiles caused a stream of errors.

Ah, I missed two things: 1) calls configure, and all the extern/*/makefile files in the git code repository are regenerated. 2) DESTDIR needs to be an absolute path.