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Made "Feedback" inherit from parent if empty #10

Open richardwilliamson opened 8 years ago

richardwilliamson commented 8 years ago

Not fully there but shows the principle..

Only does the FeedbackPath for now, basically if that’s empty then it pulls the value from the Grid (which is now enabled). Couple of issues though..

richardwilliamson commented 8 years ago

Also, not sure but I think the pairing may need updating once the parent is changed as I think the messages are cached.

Let me know what you think - I'm happy to potter on with this bit if it seems useful!

MizPlusPlus commented 8 years ago

Oh, this is a fantastic idea! Will review the changes when I get some time...

richardwilliamson commented 8 years ago

Not sure if you've seen my various commits but I think I have got this feature pretty much there (if you like it!) A couple of notes/bugs/todos..

I have only done basic testing, so there probably are some bugs!

Let me know any thoughts..

richardwilliamson commented 8 years ago

Oh, for reference these are the wildcards

     //{r} = the row in the grid (0 based)
    //{r1} = the row in the grid (1 based)
    //{c} = the column in the grid (0 based)
    //{c1} = the column in the grid (1 based)
    //{n} = the number of the item in the grid (0 based)
    //{n1} = the number of the item in the grid (1 based)

    //if any of the above preceded by p (ie{pr}) then the offset version is used

I wonder if the default should be the 1 based option, as this is probably more logical to the user, and there could be an {x0} for each one which sets it to 0 based?