EasyRPG / Tools

Assorted tools to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 files
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Tool suggestions #15

Open Ghabry opened 8 years ago

Ghabry commented 8 years ago

Used to track ideas for tools:


An alternative to using "encryption"

fdelapena commented 8 years ago

Dependency scanner

fdelapena commented 8 years ago

Set starting party position

Title thumbnailer

Improved LMU2PNG

LcfMapTree printer

LcfDatabase/LcfMapUnit optimizer

fdelapena commented 8 years ago

BattleTest setup

Ghabry commented 7 years ago


Ghabry commented 7 years ago


Ghabry commented 6 years ago


fdelapena commented 5 years ago

XYZ thumbnailer for macOS

cc @BlisterB

fmatthew5876 commented 5 years ago

Used to track ideas for tools:

* Generates a report where a specific Switch/Variable/CommonEvent/... is used. Useful for tracking down bugs.

I wrote a tool like this and I can tell you its game changer, especially when you have a lot of custom systems and need to to do refactoring. The general find references tool is great. Should also check where items given/taken, skills learned, etc.. All around "Show me all references to this type of thing".

I have a lot of tools I wrote for my own use here: https://github.com/fmatthew5876/hh3-rm2k/tree/fixes-2.1/dev/hh3tool

Feel free to steal any of my ideas or code if you like.

Event Dumper

Dump common, map, or troop event code in an easy to read format to stdout.

$ ./hh3tool/hh3tool ../../ evdump C 4
Info: Configuring system for map directory `../../'...                                                                                                                      
Common Event `Goodberry' (4) trigger=3 swflag=1 switch=`Goodberry' (11) num_cmds=25                                                                                         
0000: code=CallEvent(12330) indent=0 str="" params=[0 38 0]                                                                                                                 
0001: code=ControlVars(10220) indent=0 str="" params=[0 1011 1011 0 3 1 5]
0002: code=PlaySound(11550) indent=0 str="gotitem" params=[100 100 50]
0003: code=ChangeFaceGraphic(10130) indent=0 str="" params=[0 0 0]
0004: code=ConditionalBranch(12010) indent=0 str="" params=[1 1011 0 2 2 1]
0005:  code=ShowMessage(10110) indent=1 str="You Found:" params=[]
0006:  code=ShowMessage_2(20110) indent=1 str="     Goodberry x 1" params=[]
0007:  code=ChangeItems(10320) indent=1 str="" params=[0 0 8 0 1]
0008:  code=END(10) indent=1 str="" params=[]
0009: code=ElseBranch(22010) indent=0 str="" params=[]
0010:  code=ConditionalBranch(12010) indent=1 str="" params=[1 1011 0 4 2 1]
0011:   code=ShowMessage(10110) indent=2 str="You Found:" params=[]
0012:   code=ShowMessage_2(20110) indent=2 str="     Goodberry x 2" params=[]
0013:   code=ChangeItems(10320) indent=2 str="" params=[0 0 8 0 2]
0014:   code=END(10) indent=2 str="" params=[]
0015:  code=ElseBranch(22010) indent=1 str="" params=[]
0016:   code=ShowMessage(10110) indent=2 str="You Found:" params=[]
0017:   code=ShowMessage_2(20110) indent=2 str="     Goodberry x 3" params=[]
0018:   code=ChangeItems(10320) indent=2 str="" params=[0 0 8 0 3]
0019:   code=END(10) indent=2 str="" params=[]
0020:  code=EndBranch(22011) indent=1 str="" params=[]
0021:  code=END(10) indent=1 str="" params=[]
0022: code=EndBranch(22011) indent=0 str="" params=[]
0023: code=CallEvent(12330) indent=0 str="" params=[0 39 0]
0024: code=ControlSwitches(10210) indent=0 str="" params=[0 11 11 1]
TreeMap dumper

Given a map name or id it's hard to know what map it actually is. For example I have a lot of maps just named "2F" or "B1". If one of my other tools tells me there is a problem in map "B1" its not very helpful. This tool just takes a map id or name and prints out the entire sub-tree that the map belongs to.

$ ./hh3tool/hh3tool ../../ treemap 24
Info: Configuring system for map directory `../../'...
`Heaven and Hell E3' (0) parent=0
 `World 1' (1) parent=0
  `Timon' (2) parent=1
   `subway system' (22) parent=2
    `2nd area' (24) parent=22                                                                                                                                              

A general visitor style construct is useful (probably in liblcf). I use this one to easily "visit" parts of the game for certain tools. It handles iteration over the db and maps so you can just say something like "Call this function for all Event Commands."


Iterating the treemap in particular is annoying. You want to do it in the order of the treemap and not by map id. That way any reported errors come out in the same order as in the rm2k editor. Good to abstract this behind some interface so people don't have to do it again and again.

MichaelHinrichs commented 5 years ago

support for more engine versions would be reely helpful. if anyone can understand ruby, pleas take a look at https://github.com/Solistra/rvpacker for reference.

fdelapena commented 5 years ago

(Moved from https://github.com/EasyRPG/Player/issues/1824):

gbstudio game export

Ghabry commented 3 years ago

More for the "Dependency Scanner":

fdelapena commented 3 years ago

Protection utility restorer

fdelapena commented 3 years ago

Likely not a tool, but to implement into Player itself:

Headless autobattle test