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r3dfox is a modern Firefox based web browser for Windows 7. SourceForge link for downloading with older browsers.
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Upgrade resets language to en-US #66

Closed bnw42 closed 1 month ago

bnw42 commented 1 month ago

Just upgraded to v.126 (Win7 Sp1). Thanks! The only issue is that after the upgrade the default language had switched to en-US. Not a serious issue for me since I use en-GB & I was able to easily switch back to en-GB, but if I was using a language other than English it could be more problematic.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

Is this upstream?

I really need to add a template.

bnw42 commented 1 month ago

What do you mean by upstream in this context? Prior to the 126 upgrade the language was en_GB. I downloaded r3dfox-126.0.en-US.win64.installer.exe, ran it and selected the 'upgrade' option. When r3dfox started the language had reset back to en-US.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

What do you mean by upstream in this context?

Like install regular Firefox 125 on Windows 10 or 7 with VxKex, set language, then update to 126.

bnw42 commented 1 month ago

Not using VxKex. I had r3dfox 125.03 installed on Win7 Sp1 64bit and installed/upgraded r3dfox 126.0 on top of that.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

No, I'm saying to test regular 125 with VxKex, set language, and then upgrade to 126.

jonm58 commented 1 month ago

r3dfox not autoupdate language pack

bnw42 commented 1 month ago

I've tried VxKex but its support for current browser versions is limited and my anti-virus screamed loudly when I tried to run it, which disinclines me to persist with it. I do have Firefox on a Win10 machine with the language also set as en-GB. It's currently running 125.03 which it insists is the most recent version.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

Hmm, I would need to know if it happens with regular en-US build Firefox. However I don't really have any interest in supporting other languages because it adds a lot of complexity to test for and I don't know anything other than English so I might just do nothing anyways idk.

bnw42 commented 1 month ago

Understand about additional languages making things more complex. As I said, it's not really an issue for me, I just changed it back when I noticed the language had changed. But it's not normal behaviour with firefox (or fork) updates, so thought I'd mention it. As for regular firefox 126, I'll know if that resets the language when FF on my win10 machine gets the 126 update. Of course, I always get the GB update with firefox whereas r3dfox only has the US version, so it's possible when a new r3dfox version is installed, it automatically upgrades to the en-US language. If so, resetting the language is probably unavoidable when upgrading r3dfox.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm just going to assume it's that unless further information is given. Guess I will close then.