Edgenesis / shifu

Kubernetes-native IoT gateway
Apache License 2.0
1.28k stars 115 forks source link
cloud cloud-native cncf digital-twin edge edge-computing iiot industrial-edge industrial-iot internet-of-things iot iot-middleware iot-platform kubernetes mqtt opc-ua virtualization w3c web-of-things wot
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Kubernetes native IoT Gateway

Shifu is a Kubernetes native, production-grade, protocol & vendor agnostic IoT gateway.

CNCF Livestream with Live Demo

Cloud Native Live


Kubernetes native — developing your application while managing your devices, spare the need for maintaining an additional O&M infrastructure.

Open Platform — No vendor lock-in. You can easily deploy Shifu on the edge(from RaspberryPi to edge clusters) or on the cloud(public, private and hybrid cloud are all supported).

Protocol agnostic — HTTP, MQTT, RTSP, Siemens S7, TCP socket, OPC UA...The microservice architecture of Shifu enables it to quickly adapt to new protocols.


shifu - a Kubernetes CRD for integrating IoT devices into the cluster.

DeviceShifu - a Kubernetes pod as well as the atomic unit of Shifu. DeviceShifu mainly contains the driver of the device and represents a device in the cluster. Or you can call it "digital twin" of the device.

How to connect a proprietary-protocol camera with five lines of code


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We will forever be grateful to all the contributors.

Shifu is officially a CNCF landscape project

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


This project is distributed under Apache 2.0 License.