EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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Yet another: This is not a limit raise #476

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 month ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

0C2F427A7F6A789A553263FE0BCB image

2S is extra looking for a stopper, so more about 15-17.

Besides that North is a passed hand, so pass could be fine, and 3D is perfect.

If feeling lucky a splinter in 3S is also an option

And EW seems to have the same problem image

Where 4C is wrong

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

060C4AFC1EDC1CDEB3205B849F1C image 3H is not a limit raise, but looking for stopper to 3N image 4S is just a bid with a hand that think 4S makes. 3H would be a good raise to 3S (but not GF). As partner is limited by no T/O D, 3-card support with 11-13 and shortage can bid 4S.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

21B88BC0301574B58FE2CCD82897 image

Here 4C is a good raise to 4S, the North hand is just way to weak, and should just bid 4S

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

2DF8A30E54AD940943A381EC42BE image

1N is 10-14, 2S is NF So we only bid on with good hands, and this is close to Pass, and not close to a 3D. 3S could be OK

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

5D387B4EEC46DE06C100E882A1DE image

This might be a limit raise, but could also just be a strong hand looking for a heart stopper. image

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

And finally we have a limit raise or better - and BBA missed it 6D26DA8C30A585692E7C95D3A4A3 image

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

7C990194A0DE1794E74C7926E9B4 image

1S is showing 5S spades, so North just has 2S bid