Edzelf / ESP32Radio-V2

New version of the well known ESP32 Radio. Now optional I2S output!
Apache License 2.0
189 stars 45 forks source link

E-Paper Display #40

Open MrRauf opened 2 years ago

MrRauf commented 2 years ago

Hello! Maybe it'l be very interesting to put this project to E-Paper Display Like this https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005001844173025.html?sku_id=12000024100948301 It can change displaying information partial. And looks good.

tsctrl commented 2 years ago

quite expensive to me, and it has the big display which not fully utilized for an internet radio. even small ttgo display is quite pricy than using a standard tft modules.

if your intention to add the radio functionalities on top of forecast epaper that was a different story

MrRauf commented 2 years ago

But I really interested to Do it. Can You help? If it question of money I can buy for you this module. So we together can realize that.

tsctrl commented 2 years ago

time the only reason i could not help on this. probably @Edzelf will.

adding epaper is almost the same as other display. to start you could:

  1. get one small epaper spi module
  2. add epaper library in pio ini
  3. extend the base dummytft codes from the lib folder and add the text to follow existing display modules codes.

probably the challenge is to fix existing library if is not compatible. matching the spi clock. other than that is pretty straightforward.

MrRauf commented 2 years ago

I already have one. Very cute thing. You mean that I take Edzelf/ESP32Radio-V2 project and integrate into the epaper functionality?