Reworked combat_logic_wrapper
Bot no longer returns to main menu after each fight, but only after one of these conditions is met:
the number of times the map was cleared equals to RetireCycle, an hour has passed since starting combat and other modules are enabled (commissions, dorm, academy), the current oil count is below the limit or the attacking fleet was defeated.
Linked Enhancement and Retirement modules to Combat module
Both the Enhancement and Retirement modules have been updated to reflect this change.
Updated battle_handler loop
Added support for the new defeat screen and other optimizations.
Fixed the swipe to center the boss on the screen when it's found after switching fleet.
Bot no longer returns to main menu after each fight, but only after one of these conditions is met: the number of times the map was cleared equals to RetireCycle, an hour has passed since starting combat and other modules are enabled (commissions, dorm, academy), the current oil count is below the limit or the attacking fleet was defeated.More details in commits' messages.