EgorBo / CrossChat-Xamarin.Forms

A chat application implemented using Xamarin.Forms and DDD + MVVM
Apache License 2.0
319 stars 138 forks source link

Setup for Chat App #1

Open rzee7 opened 10 years ago

rzee7 commented 10 years ago

Hi @EgorBo, First of all I'd like to congratulate for won Xamarin Contest. Great work you have done.

I am Riyaz from Chandigarh, India, I also developing mobile app using Xamarin. I have glanced your code which is well written, Great, and thanks for providing. Can you please help to setup your chat app code.

Thanks @EgorBo

journeyman commented 10 years ago

Hi @rzee7, I was able to easily build and run WP8 app from Visual Studio and Android app from Xamarin Studio without touching any code at all. What exactly doesn't work for you, could you elaborate?

rzee7 commented 10 years ago

Hi @EgorBo, Thanks writing back to me. actually I have also tried to run android and iOS after execution I got all screens like chat window, participate, but I am afraid to glanced your other projects Solutions e.g. Server, Client, Host. What I was thinking that time that I have to run any server solution or host that can make bridge between chat communicate. can you please give a shot about their other solutions.


ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @journeyman, I was able to build and running both the server and the client version of these applications. My only issue is it freezes after i click the registration button. When stepping through the application, it freezes at await _tcpClient.ConnectAsync(GlobalConfig.IpAddress, GlobalConfig.Port).ConfigureAwait(false); <-- line 31, TransportResource.cs,, infrastructure. Any idea why?