Einharr / SeedshipRelaunchWeb

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Adjust unstable moon text to make a little more sense with the story #21

Closed alexjyong closed 2 years ago

alexjyong commented 2 years ago

Right now, the unstable moon text from a probe reads: https://github.com/Einharr/SeedshipRelaunchWeb/blob/3f5f967a4c539845526bb3becfc00a8347bc50c1/data/lang/probing/probing.js#L26 "As the surface probe approaches the planet it scans the planet's moon, and finds that it is a recently-captured asteroid in an unstable orbit. In a few decades the moon will come close enough to the planet to break up, and the surface will be bombarded with fragments."

The ship can last for thousands upon thousands of years. It seems odd that if the AI knew this, it wouldn't elect to wait in the orbit for a few decades until the moon hit then colonize.

Long term I would consider moving this to be a new event type where player can elect to wait for the moon to crash, with random outcomes as for doing so (ship can get damaged during the wait, moon upsets attributes of the planet, impacts civilizations on planet, etc)

Short term I would just update the text to indicate it cannot tell with the moon orbit will crash.