Elecast2 / EntityTrackerFixer

Untrack entities that are not used at all by the server
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Paper 1.16.4 NPE #23

Open Stixil opened 4 years ago

Stixil commented 4 years ago


Paper version 259 1.16.4


PiggiesGoSqueal commented 4 years ago

I'm going to assume it's the same error but I am also requesting updating to support Paper 1.16.4.

Paper version 261 1.16.4

Console Error: https://pastebin.com/zndpL3JG


Stixil commented 4 years ago

I have compiled for 1.16.4 while the dev works on making it official. 10 minute job. Can be gotten here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av-p4BWYiCfY7VD8HCZdEBqEhYmP?e=eZAawl

Says file is no longer available D:

cascaseno commented 4 years ago

I have compiled for 1.16.4 while the dev works on making it official. 10 minute job. Can be gotten here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av-p4BWYiCfY7VD8HCZdEBqEhYmP?e=eZAawl

Says file is no longer available D:

If you are looking for the 1.16.4 plugin, here you have it, I have also updated it and opened a pull request on GitHub.

Plugin: https://unserversinley.net/misc/jars/EntityTrackerFixer-1.16.4.jar Pull request: https://github.com/Esmorall/EntityTrackerFixer/pull/26

Have a nice day ^^

Stixil commented 4 years ago

Thank you kindly!

mrfloris commented 4 years ago

SpigotMC now has a 1.16.4 release. #fyi.