ElectricNightOwl / ArmSwinger

ArmSwinger is an artificial VR locomotion library developed on Unity 5.4. ArmSwinger allows you to use your arms to control your position in 3D space in a natural way with minimal disorientation.
MIT License
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Anyway to disable some colliders ? #48

Closed ymarzack closed 7 years ago

ymarzack commented 7 years ago

I have an avatar (enemy) with a 10 meters sphere collider set on it (for simulating sighting) But unfortunately, this prevent the player to get close to the avatar, as ArmSwinger prevent to walk when hitting the sphere collider as it was a wall.

I have disabled all prevent settings but it is always the same behavior.

Is there anyway to make this sphere collider "transparent" for ArmSwinger" ? (by settings / layers or by change the code ?)

Many thanks

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

Absolutely there is.


Check out the "Prevent Wall Clip - Layer Mask" settings. That should let you specify which layers to collide with.

If you still have the issue, feel free to email me directly at github@electricnightowl.com.

ymarzack commented 7 years ago

Many thanks for your answer !

Your script is very awesome. great works.
