Elhary / Obsidian-Minimal-Edge

A sleek and minimalist Obsidian theme designed for those who appreciate clean lines and a focused workspace.
MIT License
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Font choice in global settings #4

Closed HS-MJ closed 3 weeks ago

HS-MJ commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, loving the theme. I've run into a snag that the theme doesn't allow me to set a font in the global core settings (even if in Style Settings I select Body Text Font > System Default). Perhaps this is overriding something?

Elhary commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thank you for your feedback i've fixed the issue, please update to the latest version.

now you can change the font style directly from core settings. Just make sure to set the font style to System Default in the style settings to make changes from the core settings

Thanks again for feedback, If you have any other issues, feel free to let me know